The Lukas and Petra episodes

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honesty, I kind of feel like two certain episodes were dedicated to Lukas and Petra's character arcs.

Being episode 5 and episode 7.

Episode 5 in my mind was definitely Lukas's episode, because we were dealing with his old friends after all.

Episode 7 was also personally a really good Petra's-anger-issues-and-relationship-with-Jesse episode.

I noticed that if you save Lukas before the giant fight with PAMA, then Jesse gets to save Petra and they become better friends because of it. ^-^

Though being me, I saved Petra first so i didn't get to have that-heart-to-heart with her. Sorry Petra senpai.

I still like how either way this episode focuses on Petra.

I also still like how Petra and Jesse still have a heart-to-heart either way.

I think that telltale really needs to include more of these character arch focuses, even though Jesse's arch is still the focus.

I like it ^-^.

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