Measure it out
Beat for beat, against the porch
Keeping time
With the rhythm
Of my thoughts.
Sink your teeth into it
Pull with all your might.
Neither of us
Have any intention
Of letting go.
Drink it in,
Catch every little crumb
Before the sun
Belabors it,
Before the ants
Carry it away.
Chase after it,
No matter how short the legs,
No matter
How fast
It runs.
Nudge it softly
Let it touch your cheek, and hush
Breathe softly
And take in
the sun.
Roll in it
With or without reward.
Scratch it loudly,
Dig and cry and -
Make it look into your eyes,
And beat the timbers
With your tail
like tribal drums
Catch the un-catchable
Grasp the fire,
And dance in it,
Singe off every
Just promise me you will.
Whether I'm there,
Chasing Smoke From the Firework Cigar
PuisiA memorial piece dedicated to my beloved Jack Russell Terrier, Fudge, who passed in 2008. The title is a reference to an incident in which he grabbed some 4th of July fireworks in his mouth like a cigar and the whole family had to chase him down. Mi...