When Fear Takes its Toll (Narry) (Punk!Niall)

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Dedicated to DelightfulyTacky 'cause she's awesome and she's my Narry Buddie!

Harry |

   I inwardly groaned when I faintly heard the door to my room open. I am not in the mood for this.

"Hazza.." She shakes me. "Oh, Haazz.." She shakes me more forcefully, but I'm not budging, not today. "HARRY!" She shrieks, pulling the sheets from under me throwing me off.

"What the!" I yell standing up in full glory, which didn't seem to faze my little sister.

"You're naked." She states, never breaking eye contact.

"You're annoying." I reply in the same, drone-like tone.

   It seemed that both of us were stating the obvious. I looked her in the eye and I could've sworn I saw the spark of chaos when I did. Suddenly her shoulders slumped and she sat in my bed looking away from me. I pulled a pair of black briefs out of my drawer, put them on, and sat next to her. She was looking down at her fingers in her lap, and fumbling with them. Doing practically anything to avoid eye contact. I hooked her chin with my thumb and fore-finger, and raised her head so she would look at me. What I saw next broke my heart.

"No, no, no.. Please don't cry!" I beg pulling her into my chest, and immediately I feel her hot tears on my skin.

"I can't believe you're gonna leave me, you bastard." She mumbles into my chest, and I could see that the insult is half-hearted.

   I carefully push her away and hold her at arms' length. She blinks and I wipe her tears away. She crosses her arms and pokes my abdomen, right in the middle of my butterfly tattoo. 

"What're you doing?" I ask her, a smirk playing on my lips.

"Nothing. Did you ever notice that whenever your shirts are left half un-buttoned, which they always are," She starts and I laughed at how serious she looks. "They're always un-buttoned until exactly this point." She pokes my butterfly tattoo again, but near the top this time, and I chuckle. "I'm serious!" She laughs along, and I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her into a bear-hug. 

"I'm gonna miss your hugs, Hazza." She mumbles, wrapping her arms tight around my neck and I simply sigh.

"I'm gonna miss your painful wake-up-calls." I mumble back and she giggles.

   I walk down the stairs, now fully dressed and sit on one of the high stools between my sisters, I kiss both their cheeks, and mumble a 'good morning' to Gemma. 

"Morning, Haz. How'd you sleep?" She asks, half-interested.

"Fine. Waking up was painful though." I eye Jonah as I say the last part and she pokes her tongue out.

"Oopsiee." She said loudly, shrugging as I saw my mum coming down the stairs.

"You two are so cute. Smile!" Gemma held up her phone and Jo and I made stupid faces and pressed our cheeks together. She clicked her screen and the photo was snapped."That is so going on Twitter and Tumblr." Gemma said, and went back to her phone.

   I groaned knowing that Gems was one of those accounts that were 'Tumblr and Twitter famous', with like 72.3k followers on Twitter and 103.7k on Tumblr.

"Good morning." My mother walked into the kitchen with a smile on her face.

"Morning, mummy!" We all said cheerily in unison.

When Fear Takes its Toll (Narry) (Punk!Niall) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now