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Jonah | 


   "Wake up," I hear a male voice call that I faintly register as Aiden's as he smacks me with a pillow. "Wake up." He repeats, hitting me again. I groan and he repeats, "Wake up." He smacks me again. "WAKE UP." He hits me hardest this time and I sit up,

"I'M UP." I yell and he smiles.

"Good. The boys are downstairs, we have a free day today. So get your ass out of bed and get dressed. We're going out." He smiles cheekily, and I feel like punching him.

"I seriously need to get you a boyfriend to keep you busy." I roll my eyes, and he turns around, his eyes frantic.

"You won't tell.. Right?" He looks panicked and I smile.


   He sighs and walks out, holding five fingers up, telling me that I have five minutes to get ready. I roll my eyes and jump into the shower, washing up, and getting refreshed. I jump out, and pull on a pair of skinny jeans, my brother's old white converse, and one of his baggy sweaters.

   I look at myself in the mirror and sigh, wrapping my arms around my chest, and for a moment I close my eyes and I wish my brother was here to hug me. I shake my head, and wipe away a stray tear. I plaster a fake smile on, and continue my morning routine.

   I comb my fingers through my still damp hair and let it, allowing it to air-dry and look back one more time before I leave Harry's room, which I've moved into, and shut the door. I walk over to the stairs, sliding down the railing. Someone squeaks when I land on them and I look under me, realising it's Ashton.

"Oopsie!" I yell, and pull him up.

"Yeah, 'cause the oopsie always makes it better." He mutters, and I huff.

"Aiden, Ashton's being mean to me!" I call out and go over to Aiden hugging him, and he wraps a protective arm around me.

"Leave her alone, Ash." He says to him, faux sternly.

"Wha?! She's the one who landed on me!" Ashton jumps and I giggle, raising an eyebrow at him.

   I let go of Aiden and walk over to Ashton, wrapping my arm around his neck and kissing his cheek gently, and hugging him.

"Jashton is at it again!" I hear Mark yell and I let go of Ashton.

"Damn you Markus." I yell, and just then my mum comes down the stairs, all dressed in her scrubs.

"Jonah Anne Styles, I will not tolerate that kind of language in my house, is that understood?" My mum scolds me.

   All four boys laugh at me and I groan.

"Mummyyyy," I whine, and she sighs. "Can you please not scold me in front of my friends?" 

   My mother rolls her eyes, and goes to the door. 

"Would you kids like telling me what you'd be doing all day?" She asks, a smile playing on her lips.

"Well, Gems said she'd be 'babysitting' us, so no need to worry, Mrs. Cox." Josh gives her a thumbs up and she sighs.

"Fine. Be careful, please? I don't want any more unfortunate encounters at the hospital, okay?" My mum scans us, and we all nod.

   With that she was out the door. I walk over to the kitchen and sit on the island, the boys following close behind. Ashton walks over and sits next to me.

When Fear Takes its Toll (Narry) (Punk!Niall) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now