Think Again

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"So I guess you understand the importance of this arrangement" Jarell spoke sliding more money on the table towards Ms. Catherine.

After not accepting his money for the abortion yesterday he popped up over my house this morning. I haven't even told Ms. Cat about the baby and here he was sitting on the couch across from us, sliding her five thousand dollars to make sure I have an abortion.

"I'm sorry sir but I don't even know you! But the fact that you come into my home, claiming to be a married man, but sleeping with my child and not wanting to own up to your mistakes shows what type of man you are. Now I would appreciate if you would leave" Ms. Cat spoke grabbing her cane and standing to her feet.

Smirking as he stood to his feet,

"I presume you'll make the right decision, Angel know how I get down handle that shit or else" Jarell spoke with a look in his eyes that I've never seen before, and to be honest he actually sparked a little fear in me.

As Ms. Cat closed the door she looked at me with disappointment in her eyes, I knew I fucked up but, to see I hurt the one person, I worked so hard to please everyday crushed my soul.

"And this too shall pass, his ass don't scare me at all he must not know the God I serve, make your doctor appointment to check on the baby" Ms. Catherine spoke out loud as she made her way to her room.

Grabbing my phone to call my doctor, I immediately burst into tears I retired to my room it was 9am in the morning and my day couldn't get any worse.

"I can't have a baby from someone who doesn't want the child, mom" I replied into the phone

"Fuck him Angellica, have I not taught you anything plus I'll be home soon you're not in this alone baby girl just promise me that you'll at least see a doctor before you decide anything?" my mom spoke as I cried my eyes out.

Jarell wanted the abortion to be done and over with before I returned to school from Thanksgiving break. As if him popping up this morning wasn't enough it was going on six in the evening and I was awakened by Nikki coming over and now a call from my mother.

"Ms. Catherine is making me go to the doctor anyway rather I have the abortion or not, so tomorrow morning I'll know how far I am and from there I head to the abortion clinic. At this point mom, you can call me back tomorrow of your just going to force me to make a decision that I'm not even ready for I'll do what's best" I spoke as I hung up the phone wasting the rest of her fifteen-minute phone call.

"I mean your mom makes perfect sense, but Angel I just don't think you should have a baby form Jarell" Nikki spoke not looking my way at all.

"Damn Nikki, I never said I was keeping it. Why does it matter to you anyway?" I asked becoming annoyed with everyone telling me what I should and shouldn't do.

"Word on the street is that him and his wife are trying to have a baby, the bitch already married to him let her ass have his children that's all" she replied

"Your ass always got some insight as to what him and her got going on, let me find out Nikki he paying you to make sure I get the abortion?" I replied in a joking way.

"What's that supposed to mean, I'm just saying the man told you he had a girl from the

beginning and you still fucked him, even after you had the chance to leave him alone your ass

lied to me and still fucked with him. I told you his ass was married and what did you do? your ass fucked with him yet again. This shit is really your fault he's not going to leave her for you, and your just out here looking dumb, you'll look even dumber if you have that baby Angel, and that's just real"

"Wow tell me how you really feel Nikki, as if I didn't know or realize my life is surely turning to shit, Thank you for that sudden outburst and when your done riding Jarell and his wife dick let me know I'll be here" I replied standing and opening my room door for her to leave.

The bitch had some nerve, I know the mistakes I made but I'll be damn if a supposed to be friend throw that shit in my face as if I was the scum of the earth.

I cut my room light off and laid in my bed my head was hurting and I was just ready for this to be all over.

The Next Morning....

"It's going to be ok, Angel look on the bright side I'll be here every step of the way" Ms. Cat replied as she stood next to me waiting for the doctor to return to the room.

Before I could respond the doctor entered the room holding a paper in her hand.

"Can I get you to lay back on the table for me were going to a quick sonogram, normally on the first visit we just get information. But after reviewing your information and chart you may be a lot further pregnant than you think" she spoke as I laid back and pulled my shirt up.

With my little bump exposed I felt shamed all over again, all a bitch wanted to do was feel real love where's the harm in that?

I flinched as she squirted the cold jell on my stomach and began to wiggle the instrument around in the jelly and that's when my heart stopped beating for a second. I heard the strongest and purest heartbeat that I've ever witnessed as my ears became in tuned with the beat I realized what I was about to do wasn't right. Tears escaped my eyes knowing I didn't have a choice.

"Oh wait do you hear that?" the doctor spoke breaking me out of my thoughts

"Hear what, the heartbeat?" I asked confused

"That depends on which heartbeat your referring to the first one you heard or the second one?" the doctor replied as she moved the instrument to show exactly what she was saying on the screen.

"Are you saying..." before I could finish Ms. Cat jumped to her feet and shouted

"Oh my God Angel it's TWINS IN THERE" She yelled for joy

"Excuse me that has to be a mistake" I replied

"Your around fifteen to sixteen weeks pregnant and to be pregnant with twins your carrying them well to be going on four months" she spoke as she wiped the jell from my stomach.

"Yea there in her hips and butt" Ms. Cat blurted out laughing to herself

"So going forward I need you to make sure your taking your vitamins and to make a follow up appointment with the receptionist. Hopefully we'll be able to see the sex of the babies when you come back. And I know it's a lot to take in for one day, but babies are blessings and when the lord sends you twins he's just favoring you a little more than the average." The doctor spoke as she stood up to exit the room.

The room fell quiet as we both gathered out things to leave, could my luck be any worse not one baby but two.

Before I reached for the door handle and made the worse/ best decision of my life I turned to Ms. Catherine.

"I'm keeping my babies" I spoke as a smile crept across her face.

I didn't have it in my heart to kill one child and I'll be damned if I took life from two children. Before I made any move's I had to also make the best decision I could, I was about to delete Jarell out of my life, after leaving the doctor I planned to change my number, after I texted him that the abortion was complete. He didn't want my babies in the first place, so there was no need to even allow him to think they could possibly exist.

Right there I planned my whole situation out and I planned to stay in school and his abortion money would make a nice down payment on and apartment. I would have to convince Ms. Cat to move with me, whatever we decided I knew I had to get away from here quicker than normal.

Please excuse the mistakes this was unedited trying to get this book going to the good parts, before I send it off to be edited and published.....

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