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I once danced with the butterflies in my stomach
And praised with joy the emotion I felt
And now I pray I don't have to speak to you
Or else I might fall down and melt

What was once love is now longing
Was once joy is now pain
And all I can think of is you and I
When I see all the posts you make and become vain

Remembering they were once about me
That you loved me more than anyone
When all that mattered was us
And you wouldn't give it up for a nation's throne

But now I see it couldn't have been that precious
Because you just let it go
Or maybe I'm just being selfish
But then again we'll never know

Because I'll go on watching you smile
As I writhe in pain
Seeing it from a mile
But maybe it was all in vain

I'll be okay
is what I promised
I'll talk to you someday
is what I said

But I suppose I lied
To you and I
As I will not be fine
In perhaps my entire lifetime.

A poem of my recent ex, whom I suppose I will always have a place for in my heart. If they read this, I'd like for them to know, I'm probably not going to make the first move at being friends, as I would prefer not to break the fragile bubble of peace I've attempted to blow up -- nor would I like to impose on your happiness. But I won't ask for you back, because you'd probably rather I didn't.

Original Poems by MeWhere stories live. Discover now