You once walked in this deep, dark forest
The forest of nightmarish dreams and talking trees
Such a forest, love, I call my mind
And, as such, I call it me
With a castle at the center
Pulsating -- shaking the trees -- creating the wind
It was my heart, I told you
And perhaps, I thought, it would be a mistake to let you in
Such a castle is sure to be cold
The windy, dark forest is preferable
But this, you simply couldn't be told
because, my love, you were insufferable
Incapable, unshakable, unbreakable
A diamond, kryptonite, or my love
Couldn't compare, couldn't believe
That of your love, that you loved me
Or did you, now?
Could you have?
I don't know how
Since I'm only on half
Half a heart
Half a whole
Half a love
Half a soul
And, dear, that's why I built
Those grey, stone castle walls
To protect you from the darkness and coldness
That resides in half of those halls...
Original Poems by Me
PoesiePoems -- love, heartbreak, depression -- all-original right here, written by yours truly.