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Dinah: Y/N who is your cousin?

Y/N: not telling you

Dinah: Fine Mani get your ass into this conversation and ask her who her cousin is before I beat it out of her

Mani: Y/N/N please tell me

Y/N: my cousin's name is Amethyst but that's all you get Mani

Lauren: what's her last name?

Y/N: Kelly

Camila: I don't know anyone named Amethyst Kelly

Ally: me either

Y/N: that is her name

Mani: hey Y/N/N do you think that we could talk to her?

Y/N: sorry Mani but you guys have to figure it out on your own

Mani: are you sure Y/N/N 😏

Dinah: oh shit gonna get real

Y/N: what can Mani do that will make me want to tell her

Mani: fine girls can you please exit the group chat so I can deal with Y/N please

Dinah: yes ma'am

Dinah leaves the group chat

Ally leaves the group chat

Camila leaves the group chat

Lauren: good luck Y/N

Lauren leaves the group chat

Mani: now down to business who is your cousin

Y/N: I will never crack

Mani: Never is such a strong word Y/N/N

Mani: Never is such a strong word Y/N/N

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Mani: now who is your cousin or else

Y/N: Amethyst Kelly she is a famous rapper look it up on google

Mani: good girl


Mani: I would rather fuck you baby girl

Y/N: oh god

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