5. Just wait and see

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“Ready?” Jae Gil smilingly asked his bestfriend. In a few minutes, Maru will be brought to the operating room for his surgery. Jae Gil, Choco and Eun Gi were there to see him prior to schedule.

“I am” Maru calmly said as he smiled at his loved ones.

“Just in case something happens to me during the surgery, I just want to let you know that I love you all.” Maru added.

“Oppa don’t say something like that! The surgery will turn out well and you will be back to normal.” Choco pouted as she tried not to cry in front of his brother.

Maru’s eyes fell on his wife. Eun Gi has been quiet the whole time which he found odd. The only instances she spoke were when she responded to questions from the nurses.

“Eun Gi-ya, don’t you have anything to say to me?” He asked with a frown.

“Um, just stay strong, and we’ll be waiting for you.” Eun Gi avoided his gaze. She felt awkward in this situation, she knew that she should be acting as a very concerned wife to Maru, but something just prevented her from doing so.

“Come here” Maru signalled Eun Gi to approach him. Eun Gi abided and went beside Maru’s bed. Maru shifted from his lying position to reach for Eun Gi and brush a kiss on her lips.

“I will surely come out alive from the operating room because I want to see Seo Eun Gi’s smile again.” Eun Gi weakly smiled upon hearing Maru’s words.


“See you?”

“See you”

These were the couple’s parting words before Maru was wheeled to the operating room.

You have to live Kang Maru, I will not let you escape to hell without first tasting hell on earth. A fierce look appeared on Eun Gi’s face after the operating room doors closed.

The surgery started with Dr. Min Hyuk as the lead surgeon. Everything was going well, Dr. Min Hyuk estimated that it will be done in less than three hours.

“Doctor! The patient’s blood pressure started to drop!” One of the nurses announced. His eyes grew wide in shock with the sudden reaction by Maru’s body.

The three were anxiously waiting outside when they noticed the nurses running to and fro the operating room.

“Excuse me, may we know what’s the commotion about?” Jae Gil reached out for the nurse. 

“Sorry sir, but we can’t tell you now. Excuse me.” The nurse ran towards the operating room.

“Omo, what’s happening to oppa?” Choco cried as she hugged Eun Gi.

You cannot die Maru, not now! Eun Gi was perplexed herself. She cannot bear to think that Maru would die easily without him paying for his debts. Nonetheless, she also cannot bear the thought of losing him.

Sweat was dripping from Dr. Min Hyuk’s face as he slowly injected a medicine into Maru’s bloodstream that would help normalize his blood pressure. He just cannot let his former junior die. After a few more minutes, the nurse announced that Maru’s blood pressure returned to normal. With a sigh of relief, Dr. Min Hyuk further examined Maru if he can continue with the operation.

Four hours have passed and they still haven’t received any news about Maru. Jae Gil was fidgeting with his fingers, while Eun Gi stroking Choco’s hair to comfort her. They immediately stood up when Dr. Min Hyuk went out of the operating room.

“Doctor how is my husband?” Eun Gi worriedly asked.

“To tell you the truth, we almost lost him earlier due to a sudden drop in his blood pressure. But, Maru is such a lucky guy, he responded to the medicine we gave him. I thought we won’t be able to finish the surgery, but seems like he really wanted to get this done and over with. We will now transfer him to the recovery room. You may see him in a while.” Dr. Min Hyuk ended his statement with a smile and patted Eun Gi’s shoulder.

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