Chapter 8

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I woke up in the middle of a field. It was dark outside except for the distant street light. The soil under me was moist and soft. My arms cracked as I elevated myself and looked around. Sensitive to movement, the field lights came on. Blinded by the light, I shaded my eyes and got up. Now I know where I am.

This place was all too famiiar.

My college's baseball field.

Trying to leave, I walked toward the exit to my right. The smooth soil made it a little slippery along the way. I opened the door and right when I let my right foot out of the door, I heard it.


A moment later...


Someone was playing baseball here. I didn't want to lock them in, so I followed the sound to tell them that I was leaving and the door was unlocked.

The sounds stopped the closer I got to it. It was from the automatic baseball launcher, but someone was hitting the baseballs. But, no one was there when I looked inside where the person would be.

"I'm right here, love." It was a deep voice. A voice I knew all too well. A voice that I missed dearly.


I turned my head sharply toward the sound. There he was, hiding behind the baseball launcher. He walked out in front of me and I gasped at the sight of him. He had bruises and cuts on his face. His lips were blue. He had bags under his eyes. There was blood on his clothes. The exact same clothes from the car accident.

"I was trying to look for you!" I shouted at him. My voice sounded weird. Like, we were in a large building. My voice echoed.

"I know." His voice echoed, too.

"Rick, where are we?"

"We are in a place that I love dearly." He opened his hands, smiled, and turned in a cicle slowly. Even when he's covered in blood, cuts, and bruises, he was still smiling. He's so strong.

"But, what are we doing in a baseball field? I thought we were in a car crash."

He smiled sympathetically at me. "Yes, we were in a car crash. We're in a dream. Or at least you are."

I was confused. "Well, if you're not dreaming, then what are you doing here?"

He smiled again and kissed me. "It would be better for you if someone else explained why I'm not dreaming."There's some things that I have to tell you. I spoke to Jordan and-" He whispered in the middle of the kiss. I nodded in understanding as he leaned down and continued to kiss me. It was a gentle kiss, a kiss that told me everything was going to be alright.

"Rick! We have to go, man." One of his friends yelled out and cut him off. I looked defeated as his friend walked off. I didn't want him to leave. I wanted him to stay with me. I wanted to be in this moment forever.

"I have to go." He said and turned around. I grabbed his hand and begged. "Please don't go. You just got here." A tear slipped out.

"I'll see you again." And turned back towards me. He kissed me passionately, this time our tongues collided. "You've always been strong, baby girl. I don't want you to be defeated now. Okay?" He grabbed my waist and pecked me. I closed my eyes and shook my head. Eventally, I nodded. I opened them and another tear slipped out. "Okay. Just please be safe."

"Here," He dug into his pocket and grinned. "Take this. I'll see you soon."

It was a paper and a picture attached to it. I opened it. It was a picture of him and I laughing together at a party and the note said:

Meeting Jordan: An Interracial Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now