Chapter 11

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*4 months later*

"Be careful, baby!" I shouted from the couch in the living room. I watched Jordan intently as he did maintenance work around the house. He's been working in the kitchen all day. The warm Southern breeze of spring was evident in the apartment as the humidity increased.

I continued watching Jordan when I got the sudden urge to walk. Struggling to get up from the couch with my 6 month belly, I started to grunt in frustration. Jordan heard me and rushed over to my aid. One of his large hands found it's way to my stomach and the other on my back. The blazing South Carolina sun gave him a tawny glow. It looked nice against his blue eyes and dark hair. "What are you doing up, Sadie? You're supposed to be on bed rest," he sounded more aggravated than concerned. I ignored the question and started walking around the house for my "prardio" or pregnancy cardio mixed in one.

Sawyer and Adam were causing all kinds of havoc inside of my body. They were taking all of the nutrients from my diet, so I don't get enough nutrients for my own health. In result, I had to limit my mobility early on in the pregnancy. On another note, I moved in with Jordan shortly after we decided to be a family. Jennifer was a little upset with my decision to move in with him to be a family, but she keeps me company everyday afterschool. Her and Noah are planning on getting married soon.

I have to take online courses now since I'm immobile. I like it better than walking around campus with my belly being exposed. Girls called me mean names around campus for taking Jordan off the market. They left "Slut" and "White Man's Whore" on my binders, car, and cheer locker on a daily basis. It led to anxiety, fear, and depression for about 2 months until I confessed to Jordan what was going on one night and starting panicking. Shortly after, college officers got involved and arrests were made. Two months later, I receive support from everyone. My Twitter is filled with encouraging tweets from students here and it really helps get through things a lot better.

Jordan and I try to increase our intimacy during my pregnancy because I'm always in the mood, but after one experience where Jordan swore he "felt the head" last month, we haven't tried penetration sex since. But, we still kept eachother satisfied each night without it.

I sat down from my prardio. I was exhausted and all I did was walk around the house twice. Jordan sat down on the couch beside me and smiled. He had smile lines because he was always doing just that- smiling. I looked at him, confused.

"What is it, Jay?" I asked.

He grinned even harder. "Oh nothing," he stopped smiling. "I love you, that's all." His face wasn't serious at all. It was calm.

"I love you, too, Jay." I pecked him and moved around the couch to lay my head on his lap. He patted my head like a dog. After five minutes of having his oversized hands brush down my hair, it grew to become annoying.

"Stop it, Jordan," I whined.

"Stop it, Jordan," he mocked me in a much higher pitch.

I looked at him. "I will beat you up. You know I don't talk like that."

"If you hit me, I'll get you back." He gave me a warning look. His warning face wasn't even scary. Have you ever seen an English Bulldog when it was bored? Yeah, well that's what it looked like.

"What are you gonna do? Spank me?" I scoffed.

He got quiet. "The thought of spanking you sort of turns me on."

I lifted my head up. "It does, ay?"

He grinned again and smiled deviously. I knew what was about to happen.

"You should-" he started.

"You don't even have to say it, Jay. But, under one condition," I started cautiously.

Meeting Jordan: An Interracial Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now