Meeting "Him" (16 years old)

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Kaliq's POV
Crying and screaming, as I'm sitting in the corner of the "no student entry" door, laying my back on the cold gray concrete surface of the SEU building,
I've tried and tried to make friends, in the end... they always left me.. for some new friend... I sniffled, staining my school uniform with my tears and snot from all the sniffling, hiccuping my cries, wishing I was normal, wishing I would stop crying like the crybaby as I was.
People saw me crying and tried hugging me, it didn't work, I just felt numb, like nothing, like my whole body has been turned into stone, this SUCKS!
I just want to feel loved, but I can never feel it... I'm just useless, unloved, and unwanted. Somebody help me, somebody heal me, somebody.....please...
From all the crying I did, I ended up passing out on the spot, sleeping peacefully.
Within a few minutes later, I felt someone wrap there arms around me and hug me, it felt so warm, I craved more. My eyes flutter awake "who are you?" I ask blushing, my heart starts to beat faster than it usually. "I'm Ashton" he adds on and he smiles as he keeps cuddling me, "so, you're name is?" He asked, I replied with "Kaliq."
Ashton keeps cuddling me and kissing my cheek, his hand then slithers on top of mine and I blush deeply. His touch is so soft and tingly.
He chuckles and gives me a forehead kiss, "you're my new best friend now and I love you" he said, I then said "you too~." And we both smiled and cuddled.
Then the bell goes
"Oh snap, I have to go to class! See you at lunch okay?" Ashton said, as he waves and rushes to his class, just after I nodded saying "okay."
I then quickly rushed to my theory w23 class, oh boy....
(Hope you guys like this chapter, I was deadly tired on a state of almost passing out so please don't blame me ;-; I was tired and had writers block but yeah, next chapter update is soon!!!!)

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