Capricorn and Taurus

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Taurus and Capricorn can both be quite rigid when it comes to sex. This is exactly what could make them a perfect couple. In combination with other signs of the zodiac it can be hard for them to open up and feel the need to experiment, even though Capricorn will do their best to show how ingenious they are when it comes to sex. When they get together and get to know each other intimately, they will learn what it means to relax. Capricorn won't feel the need to show off and Taurus will let go of their fear of getting hurt.

The problem in their relationship can be hidden in their understanding of the Moon, for Taurus exalts it, and Capricorn doesn't like it very much. They could have trouble connecting on an emotional level if Capricorn doesn't fall in love deeply enough or has trust issues. This will be multiplied by Taurus' need to be loved unconditionally that they show in an endless loop, scaring their Capricorn away.

Taurus and Capricorn can form a relationship so deep that their creative power in the material realm could seem unreachable for other signs of the zodiac. With the ability to complement each other in a gentle, slow way, they are the most boring couple on the outside, with most exciting inner activity that stays hidden from the rest of the world. If Taurus motivates their Capricorn partner, and Capricorn shows the way of accomplishment to their Taurus partner, they could work together, raise children and share a life with more fun than they are both used to, or simply form an unbreakable bond. When their deep emotions intertwine, they are bound to each other for eternity.

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