Aquarius and Gemini

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Gemini and Aquarius could probably have sex by simple verbal stimulation. They don't need to get naked to have a sexual experience, although they will want to be naked all the time to set themselves free from all the human restrictions represented through clothes. They will get lost on their way to somewhere and have sex there. Or somewhere else. But who cares when they are in search for kindred spirits and want to have a good time while at it.

They will both be aroused by the intellectual side of their relationship and if they are to be satisfied, they have to consider each other intelligent. Neither Gemini nor Aquarius will ever be in a serious relationship with someone who is, in their opinion, stupid. Even something that they would call an "insignificant sexual encounter" has to be with someone with enough wit and something to say.

  Gemini needs a partner who doesn't bore them or make them feel inhibited. When you look at things this way, you could say that there is no better match for them than the fabulous Aquarius. Aquarius needs someone to understand their grandiose ideas and discuss each one with them, and also someone who doesn't make them feel inhibited. Who could do this better than Gemini? However, they could find themselves in a relationship that doesn't have enough emotion and compassion, and this is certain to surface as soon as the first disturbing thing happens in the life of one of these partners. They need to work on their emotional base and their non-verbal understanding if they want their relationship to last.  


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