Aries and Capricorn

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  This is a very difficult combination of signs when it comes to sexual compatibility. Rulers of Aries and Capricorn are Mars and Saturn. These planets are considered archetypal or karmic enemies. When it comes to sexuality, it is mostly signified by Mars and its contact with Saturn may result in all sorts of physical and objective obstacles on the way to a healthy sex life. Saturn puts too much pressure on Mars and takes a lot of its energy. Their relationship will result in lack of sexual desire, the mutual feeling of incompetence or even impotence of one or both included parties. 

 This is not an easy relationship. None of the partners has any trace of lightness and blissful ignorance. This is why their relationship might seem like a competition to ruin the relationship in the best possible way. It is hard to say who will get out of it a winner, for they will both feel lousy most of the time and be relieved that they finally separated. If they stubbornly decide they love each other too much to let each other go, both of them would probably bang their heads against a wall for years to come.

Their only chance of success is unconditional respect and the wideness of their views and expectations. They could truly complement each other, but only in a scenario where they would look for good in one another and highlight each other's qualities. Unfortunately, the malefic nature of their rulers rarely allows for them to be this positive and acceptance oriented. If they got together, and whatever their story is, they should think about the things they could learn from each other instead of looking for each other's shortcomings, and always stay out of each other's business.

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