Chapter Nine

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~The Vamps performance~

Half way through I was asked to go to stage so I obliged my order with everyone near the stage filming. What was going on?

"So two years ago today I was watching a concert in this very room when I meet someone very special, Belle please come on stage." I walked on and the crowd cheered before Bred started talking again. "We danced together for the whole show and I used a cheesy pick-up line to get your number. You are so beautiful I fell for you the moment I saw you," Levi ran on stage and handed something to Brad, "then we went on a date to another concert in the O2 and you wouldn't let me pay for anything which I found funny miss independent. But the point of bringing you on stage tonight is not to replay our story together," he bent down on to one knee, oh my god, "will you do me the huge honour of making me the happiest man alive and marry me?" I bent down and pulled his face to mine before I kissed his lips.

"Of course, I love you," the whole audience erupted into huge screams, I had tears streaming down my face as Brad picked me up and placed me on a stool before he kissed me and slipped the ring on my finger.

"Now we had a later curfew today so I was allowed to do that and perform a song I wrote, but now Miss Jackson will be a Mrs Simpson. This song is called One Look."

After the song I was allowed back in the green room and I went through all my social media. It was blowing up due to the engagement, everyone was tweeting about it. The videos were so cute, I retweeted a bunch of them and liked all the ones I saw. I was so happy, I walked into The Vamps dressing room and picked up Brad's jumper and slipped it on before I put my hair up in a bun. Finally, I walked into my dressing room and took all my makeup off before I was told to go back on stage. Oh shit, I have no makeup.

"And I want to bring out some amazing people so please welcome: Nate Parker, Levi Jones, Austin Corni, Drew Dirksen and my beautiful fiancé Belle Jackson."

I followed the lead of the boys and ran on stage after being handed a mic, our in-ears told us the song we were singing as all The Vamps family walked on stage. I started dancing around before I ran down the runway and started singing the lyrics, Brad came up to me and kissed my check before every one on stage sang the chorus in harmony.

"Thank you!" I screamed once I was finished as I started to walk up the runway. I was sad the tour was over but I'm happy because of what it was. Everyone bowed before they walked off leaving The Vamps on stage. All the families congratulated me as well as The Tide, and Brad's family made jokes about I'm going to be there daughter in law. Oh great I now have a family.

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