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a i r p l a n e s || n.h. -iii.


the room was filled with buzzing people, and Ferra wanted nothing more than to just rip out her hair and be gone with the light.

her airplane boy had yet to send another message, and she wondered why.

she quietly and unnoticeably walked up the steps to her bedroom, and gathered a piece of paper and a pen.

" niall? "

she whisked the paper into the next open slot, and waited patiently for another to fly through hers.

soon, after about an hour of waiting, she finally got one back.

" ferra. "

she smiled gracefully, and tore another piece of paper out of a notebook she was sure to never use.

" I thought you had left. "

she threw it back, and saw a creamy white hand reach through the window to catch it.

her pulse quickened, and she wondered if he'd reveal his identity- his face she pictured to be beautiful.

but she was wrong, and greatly disappointed, when the hand did nothing but get sucked right back into the small spacing It had emerged from.

after a moment, the paper flew back into her room, landing at her feet.

" never. not unless you want me to."

ferra smiled at that.

she found it ironic that this boys she barely knew, brought her great happiness; when the people downstairs brought nothing but agony and annoyance to her bubbling features.


niall waited patiently for the plane to zoom back into the window, and once it did, he smiled brightly.

" please don't, ever. "

he wanted to officially meet ferra.

he wanted to be able to speak words; kind words to her, and tell her she's beautiful.

she hadnt seen him; but he had seen her.

he wasn't sure if she wanted the same, but was sure to find out.

" then I won't. "

he flew the paper back into the window.

he grabbed yet another paper, and scribbled some writing on it, then threw it back out, at the same time she had thrown hers.

they collided, and sprang in different directions.

there was puddles of water on the ground between the two houses, which concerned both ferra and niall, for each letter was important.

they both had seen the crash, but neither of them knew the other was set to catch it.

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