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a i r p l a n e s || n.h. - iv.


niall's feet were pounding on the ground, trying to reach the outside of his house.

he was aware of the shouts coming from his mother, telling him not to 'run in the house'.

but this was important.

niall finally reached outside, and moved so his eyes could adjust through the rain.

how ironic that raindrops decided to fall the same night niall's aim was off.

he wasted no time, careless about getting wet, just wanting the letters to be readable.

he wouldn't write them again; each one was special.

he wasn't aware that ferra was doing the exact same thing.

she tried climbing through her window, but couldn't figure out how to open it wider.

she couldn't go back downstairs; her parents and the 'house guests' were occupying the space.

she ran to the guest bedroom, opposite wall of her window, and climbed out that window.

she made her way back towards the front of the house, but then backtracked, figuring it was easier to get it from the back.

her light hair had now turned dark, and she continued on as if she couldn't feel the water hitting her rapidly.

she searched frantically, every spot possible, unaware of the figure in front of her.

her back stayed hunched over, searching the endless mud puddles, looking for any speck of white.

niall had been doing the same; though he wasn't sure where it could've landed.

as the both of them neared closer to each other , unaware of course, their heads snapped to the side at the same time, seeing two small paper airplanes on the ground, underneath the roof of Niall's home.

both of them stuck their hands out, both catching glimpses of the other.

ferra panicked.

niall glowed.

they slowly looked up at each other, their eyes finally meeting for the first time.

they had both let out a breath of relief, and nervousness.

ferra's hair was now sticking to her face from the glue of rain, and Niall wanted nothing more than to pull it from her face.

but he didn't.

instead, he leaned over, finally breaking eye contact with her, and picked up both notes.

he handed her the letter he had scribbled over, causing this greet, ever so slowly.

he took the note she had thrown, causing the impact.

He unfolded it,

" im glad you threw that airplane. "

he smiled, and looked up, seeing ferra still looking at him.

she was speechless, and really wasn't sure if she was supposed to say something.

she was stuck looking at his beauty; his natural features.

she wanted to know him, really know him.

she wanted to see him every day.

she wanted to hear him speak.

she looked down at her hands, the note seeping with water, the ink dripping down the paper, sliding off like it was never there.

she hurriedly opened it, and read as much as she could.

" i thi k i wan kn w y u bett r"

"I think I want to know you better. " Niall spoke for the first time, grinning out into the rain.

ferra wasn't expecting a word, and her hands became shaky.

" I'm.. I'm glad you threw that airplane. " she said, her eyes still wide and blurry from water.

they had gotten closer, still holding the paper, not knowing what to say to one another.

niall's grin hadn't faded; ferra's smile hadn't grown.

niall thought he'd done something wrong.

"is it .. Not what you expected?" He asks over the rain.

ferra looks at her feet.

of course it's what he expected; everything and more.

"you're just," ferra began, and niall bowed his head, ashamed, and disappointed in himself.

"perfect." she whispers, but niall hears her. He smiles, and walks an inch closer, and places a warm, (exceptional change of temperature) kiss to her cheek, and she finds her whole face burning in the rain.

" Only when I'm standing next to you."

The End

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