I'll Find You

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// When my grandma died in 2010 with cancer, I was heart broken. She was like my best friend, and losing her hurt. So, in her memory I wrote this poem for her. Hope you like it, feel free to comment, share, or star what you think. Thanks :) //

                                                           I'll Find You

I wish upon a star,

that dreams don't come far.

An every step I take,

every move I break.

I'll find you.

I'll find you in the sky,

when the sun shines so bright.

Even when it's dark where theres no light.

I'll find you.

There's so many steps I'll mistake,

there's so many paths with snakes.

Your soul fills the room I stand in,

and even though your gone I attend to grin.

I miss you, that part is true

but I know your not to far from me.

I know where I am, that's where you'll be.

Your in my heart and that's where you'll stay.

An sometimes I pray.

I pray that your safe where you are,

Because knowing your gone makes me cry tell dawn

but your not completely gone.

I feel you all around me

and that's something I believe.

Everything that I do,

I know your there in the air.

Which is something quite rare,

but you were in my heart from the very start.

Even through the tough times,

and the rough times your all I had.

I can't believe the cancer took you away from me,

but your the kind of person I want to be.

Tell death do us part,

I always loved you from the start.

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