The guy

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"Hey sweety time to get up we need to pick those guys ok." Mark said vary sweetly. "Ok can I go in my pjs or do I have to get dressed?" I said not getting up "get dressed please." He said "yes daddy ." You say sadly. You got up put on a pewdiepie shirt, white shorts that had a weird things like cinnamon toast on it, and you grabbed your LIKE A BOSS backpack. You arrive at the airport you had fall asleep. So mark woke you up "come on sleeping beauty time to get my friends ok." Ya I'm up where are they?" "Over here mark !!!!" "Daddy who's that loud guy over there??" That's jack baby where is your backpack?" Right here." You say as you walk over to the guys. Well he loves to yell like a boss everywhere and see that fist on your shirt that's pewdiepie, and he will fist bump you and, thoughts toast things hats kens thing." He said then we see the guys "OMG SHE SO CUTE!!!" I think jack said "thank you..." I said quite "well guys this is Cheyenne my daughter Cheyenne this is Felix aka pewdiepie, Sean aka jack or jacksepticeye, this is ken aka cinnamontoastken, and the girls are marzia aka cutiepiemarzia and this is Mary aka superMaryface." So are we ready."I say sleepy. "Ya do you won't me to walk with you?"Jack says quietly and blushing.I node and he holds my hand the hole time. "Hey sweetheart wake up please you can go in bed and sleep for a will ok?" "Yes daddy." You got up slowly and then looked over to see everyone sleeping even mark you looked back and released they jack woke you up you looked at him and said "Jack will you laid down with me please?" "Of course sweetie."you lead jack in your room and laid in bed with him you both end up

(A hour later )

You hear some giggling and woke up you look to fined Felix,Mark,Marzie,Mary,and Ken laugh at you and Jack cuddling you rubbed your eye that way they know you was awake. "Omg did we wake you?" Marzie said "a little but I was getting up anyway.""Well I see you made a new friend." Mark said with a hint of anger and excitement you just smile. you try to get up realizing that you cant get up jacks arm is around your wast. You carefully moved jacks arm and get a snack "hey don't eat we're going out for dinner ok?" "Just one piece of candy please." "Ok just one.". After a peace of candy you go in your room to fined a scared jackaboy "what's up with him." You said confused " oh thank glory grate it's " jack said "we was prancing jack by saying you ran away will everine was sleeping." Everyone said in a happy mode. " well that's not nice you guys what time are we livings to get dinner?" Well I was thinking around 6:00 so we can go to the park and you can ride your skateboard?" "Ok that's good with me." Everyone said we all went to our rooms and I was the first one dressed I was wearing a red flannel with a black tank top underneath it with blue jeans and my favorite black converse I left everyone a note on the table that said

Dear everyone,
      I am going to be on the rooftop. so please don't freak out when you can't fined me Mark jack looking at you .😂 so pease sent someone up to get me.


P.S.i have my skateboard

You sat on the roof than you heard foot steps you turn around to see a boy about your age "who are you?" He said fast " my name is Cheyenne why?" I've never see you up here before my name is Eric" "well nice to meet you." You said with your face as red as a rose🌹 be cause you liked him next thing you realized that Mark had him by the shirt "MARK STOP!!" You scream at him as he rose a fist "what are you doing??" "Are you hurt?" He said where'd "what are you talking about?"he was way to close to you!" "Breath we just was talking god" you said are you ok Eric did he hurt you?!" "I'm fine thanks thought." Of course mark go back to the room please." Bu-" "PLEASE." "Ok" he walked away "I'm so sorry is there evenyway I can make it up to you?" "Well there is one way." He said coming close and he kissed you on the lips.just then jack comes up to get you and sees you kissing Eric you stoped and asked Eric if this means we're dating "I would love that!" You kiss him again and then you both walk down to my room to ask if he can come to the park with us. "Mark I'm back and with two questions?" Ok what was that bought " well can I have a boyfriend?" Ye if I approve."well ok do you approve." You say as you pull Eric in the room. "Ye but is that the boy I was about to punch ya please be nice next time then you ask Mark if he can come to dinner with us he said ya and you told Eric to stay there will you go and grad you extra skateboard then you here "CHEYENNE YOU BETTER GET DOWN HERE THIS SECOND!!!" So your running with two skateboards. You gave Eric the spare board
"What's up" "did you kiss this boy" yes why I thought that what couples do?" Then you all finely after a big fight with you and Mark but you are at the park finely you and Eric ride for hours then you lay down facing the stars with his arm around you. You end up falling asleep in his arms and well let's just say Mark and Jack was not happy at all.

A/N omg sorry that's was really long and for all you people that think you now what next you might or might not but please leaver a comment for what you think what's next bye bye guys 😀

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