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So I was tagged by the marvelous strawhat_pirate

She is absolutely amazing
I was so bloody honored when she tagged little ol me! She is one of the BEST authors that I have encountered on WATTPAD so far and all of her friends are amazing too


So anyways! On with the tag~!

1-Why are you doing the #Lovemechallange?

A fabtabulous author tagged me and I was just SO honored and I almost cried when I saw 😭 I literally told all of my friends, even if it is only a few

2~A positive word that describes you

Mmm...I'm not sure...i asked my friend and she said merciful?... uh. 😅

3~A note to the past you

Howdy young child. This is the future you- and I know that you are beyond freak out for several reasons but oh well I'm to lazy to explain how or why-that's right- we are lazy. Deal with it young one. Many obstacles will come in your way in life but keep positive and strong! Don't have any regrets- ANY. Ok? Ok. Even that thing. Yea, that. *stares intently* um... STUDY FOR BLOODY BIO! DONT PROCRASTINATE IN THAT CLASS!! DO YOU READ ME?! YOU BLOODY BETTER! Anyway, mmm... don't be afraid to say no. Especially in middle school. mmm... have Michele switch out those shirts that you for Christmas that you already have- you don't need them- stop being a hoarder.  Well, I still have all papers from 5th-9th grade... oh well 😜 This is turning out to be really long... I must've, well you, must have screwed up a lot if I have to tell you all this. Try to keep better communication with long distance friends...be there for your friends...family...yea. I'm getting tired so, yea. That's all you gonna get from this baby handed demon! 🖖 TOOTALOO~

From your future self,
The glorious child


4~A note to future me

Howdy, uh. Idek what to write to you. I mean, it doesn't say you write back so no point in asking questions... so.. bye bye future me!

5~An object that is yours and that you love

I'm going to go with mama bear. <3

6~ A quote about beauty

Uh, heres a quote that I found on Pintrest and thought it was spot on ;3

" Don't be eye candy- Be soul food"~ Pinterest

7~A fear you've overcome

Um...Oh! Asking questions in class.

8~ Something you like about yourself

mmm..I enjoy my eyes?

9~ Something that makes me beautiful

The people around me

10~ Something you love to wear

My glasses and especially hoodies!

11~ What makes you unique?

well, I mean everyones unique so idk. just being me makes me unique.

12~ What makes you happy?

A lot of things. My loved ones, special objects, watching my or reading my fandoms, drawing, compliments, and just a whole lot.

13~ What makes you feel beautiful?

....When im not insecure? 'XD


Well, that was it! Im sorry this took so long but as ive said i art thou a procrastinator XP

thx so much again for tagging m strawhat_pirate ;3 love you!

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