Authors' Note (Please read)

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Good day to everyone. This is the first official book coming from us, Maelyss. We're really glad to be finally making our first published book! /applauds/ 

Before we get to the story, we would like to introduce our lovely group. We're a group formed during our eight grade at a high school here in The Philippines. We know this country is known for its literature, from what our hero wrote to what you read now in Wattpad. These pieces of literature inspired us to write. We tried out something, but it didn't work out a first. But as time passed, we're here. 

We will try to publish weekly. But there will be times that delays will happen, since school is one major thing. But we'll obligate ourselves!

Last, you might think of us as one usual simple minded writer, but no. We are a collaboration of people who have highly creative and open-minded imagination. We treat all things fairly, from children's stories to adult novels. We highly value camaraderie and kindness, we wish our readers also do. We try to help make each member's ideas better as we combine it with other ideas. We never waste a single suggestion, for it is an opportunity of improvement. We help each other rise when we fall. 

We are Maelyss. 

We are one.

-Charles, Maelyss

Dedicated to: FrncsMaligSadisticallyYours,angpinoynerd2001, and ChazzyKun. Best to the four of you!

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