Harry Potter: A Ron and Hermione Story – Part 3/Part 16
So, so sorry for the delay.
Finally, with the help of Molly, Ginny and Jane, Hermione was indeed able to access the bathroom. Thankfully. It took Molly, to hold the back of the dress up, Ginny at the right and Jane, the left. And it wasn’t until they got terrified out of their minds, you know what with Herms’ stern face and yells about how they should keep their eyes tightly shut or else she’d (insert any petrifying threat you could think of) that the bride was able to calm herself.
Back in the makeup and hair room, Molly smiled to herself, “I wonder how my Ronny boy is. He must be so eager!”
Hermione let her mind wander to him, wondering as well what the groom was doing now. The last time she had seen Ron was yesterday morning when he came by her house. Since then they had both been busy with the preparations.
The realization of what she was about to do came rushing in, in the outline of a flood. This is way too overwhelming, she thought. She had read about the feeling in various books, she had chatted about it and even seen it with her own eyes. Yet, there was no other circumstance that could portray what she was sensing while she was in actual fact, living it. It was joy, it was eagerness but came in along with those, were feelings of anxiety and pressure. She wanted this and she needed it. Yet, it felt sudden but not like other sudden movements she’d had in her life. This one was more like jumping off a cliff subconsciously but knowing the downfall was actually not what it really was. She knew of what she was throwing herself into, it was sudden, undoubtedly, but it was right.
She thought of a wagon rolling on quick rails, brutal rails. She thought of jumping into the ride, just like she does at the Gringotts bank, and she recognized that, yes, it was a ride. Only this one, was permanent.
Two decisions, two commitments, two people, two words. Yet, one single purpose: love. And It was meant to last for more than a few minutes. Unlike anything else.
It was scary. Nonetheless, it was promising. And she couldn’t wait for it.
She glanced up at the clock above. It was only four. Suddenly, the red hands behind the round shaped glass appeared to be dragging. She was feeling way too much at the moments, familiar feelings, foreign feelings. The mix was cozy and strange. She felt a tear rolling down her cheek. She reached out a hand to wipe it away before the others could see but it was too late. Ginny was at her side, dabbing it away with her finger. Their eyes met and Ginny said with a smile and murmured, “Don’t want to ruin your makeup”.
A quiet “thanks” was all Hermione was able to get out.
The door behind them swung open to reveal a tall, pale blonde girl, wearing a long orange dress and white flats. On her head was an oversized yellow hat. Hermione and Ginny knew at once, even before glancing at her face that it could be none other than Luna Lovegood.
To be continued...
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