Alan, why did you say that?

1 0 0

Jean. Jean is mine, all mine. How great is that? Wow…

-Hey Jean!

-Oh hey, Allan.

Her voice just makes my chest compress. Haha, I sound just like a girl in my head. Rhymie aren't we? Would really love to just grab her skin and push her back, and just fucking kiss her n... Wait!

- H- how are you?

- Good I guess, haha. Why do you ask?

- Oh, nothing. Want to go out later on?

- Umm, sure! To where?

- The town library. I thought we cou-

- No. What the hell, Allan? There are so many other places.

- Aww, come on Jean.

Haha… Her cheeks are really mushy, fun.

- S- stop that, okay okay. I'll go. At what hour?

- Ten past five.

- Why not get there at five?

Because I have to meet nutjob Julia. I'll be quick, sweetie. Wonder how that'll go, though.

- Just do as I say?

- Hmm… Okay, but I-

- No. Now, look forward. Class is starting, ya nerd.

- Aww, how nice of you, ass! Haha…

Maybe if i stroke her brown silky hair back while class is going, she'll be sleepy.

Wow, this class is boring. Is that girl across the room looking at me? Oh wow, she is! How cute. Don't remember her name tho... Oh well, haha. Hello there, silly bitch. A quick wink and wave didn't hurt anyone. Oh! Jean is turning to me...

- Allan?

Her whispering is bliss.

- Yes, Jean?

- I miss... I miss you.

- You mean?

- Mhm.

This goddamn girl tells me this at this fucking time? She really knows how to fuck me up real good. Fuck her and her voice. N- now she smirks and turns back to class? What the fuck, Jean. Do you want me to just fuck you right here? Jesus!

- You bitch…

- I know, haha.

*sigh* I could hang around her forever if I could. Sadly, that annoying bell rang and it's straight to home.

- Bye, Jean.

- Bye, Al. See you at five ten?

- Five ten, love.

- Okay! See ya.

Gosh. Only with a silly kiss on my cheek, she turns me on. Really looking forward for tonight. Please, face. Stop it with your weird goofy smile. Haha... Oh, Jean. Are you mine or am I yours?
No! She is definitely mine. All mine.

Home sweet home.

- Ma! I'm home!

- Dinner is on the table! Eat quick! We have to go out to see your aunt at the hospital!

Oh, how luck has stuck by my side! Now... Where is the mom? Oh! There she is.

- Ma, I promised a bunch of friends I would be over to the library to study.

- Al, I was not born yesterday. Eat up and dress the fuck up.

- Mom, please. I'll go tomorrow, alone if I have to, and see auntie.

- *sigh* Alright. I want you home at eight.

- Okay, ma. You coming home at that hour?

- I am. More or less.

Don't worry, ma. I'll be home way earlier than you think. Fuck! I gotta clean my room!

Okay, let's play the old ones… Hmm... Haha! Yes! Ronnie, you crazy fuck.

- "Situations! Are irrelevant now!…"

- Allan! It's four in the afternoon! Turn that down!

- Fuck you, mom!

- Goddamit, Allan! Just turn that fucking down!

Damn, why am I like this, why do I say things like that. Haha, Ronnie gets me. Ronnie gets me too well.

(Hi there! Next up: New set of eyes   Feel free to vote, comment, any suggestions? Constructive criticism is always welcomed! What do you guys think of Allan? 9.9 Can you figure out his thoughts?)

Julia: Pittura GrottescaWhere stories live. Discover now