Chapter Six

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Goldy here! Sorry as my good friend Gaga posted and you hopefully saw, I did not have access over the summer but I have been busy writing.... So those of you who have not abandoned me, enjoy!

P.S. Goldy autocorrected to Godly wow it's been awhile 

Cobwebflight's kits were due today. Jayfrost was very nervous, being a first time father. Crowblaze was trying to reassure him.

"Relax, I've done it twice before. It'll be fine."

Swanfeather snorted. "You? You just sit and watch my pain. May I remind you it's the she-cat that has the kits?"

"Even better, Jayfrost. You don't need to do anything." He gave his brother a friendly nudge.

Lotusbloom was sitting next to Cobwebflight, preparing her herbs. "Will one of you toms be useful for once and fetch me a nice, sturdy stick?"

"I'll get it!" exclaimed Sweetkit, and she dashed out of the nursery.

Cynakit glanced at Sweetkit's retreating back. "Do you think she'll become a medicine cat?" she asked.

"I don't know," said Monarchkit. "But I'll support her in her decision."

"Me too," said Cynakit, but she sounded less sure.

"I hope she doesn't," mewed Sparrowkit. All the kits turned toward him. "What?"

Sweetkit staggered back into the nursery with a good-sized stick grasped firmly in her jaws. She set it down in front of Lotusbloom. "Is this good enough?" she asked.

Lotusbloom barely even looked at it. "Fine, I suppose." Sweetkit visibly drooped.

"Don't worry, Sweetkit. I'm sure she is just distracted for the big job ahead," reassured Pearlkit.

Sweetkit perked up, but still looked disappointed.

"Why don't you go out to play?" suggested Azuredusk, glancing at Cobwebflight. The kits gratefully accepted the chance to go out in the camp. Walking out, they almost ran into Dartpaw, who was walking in, a bundle of moss clamped under her chin. They collided with each other, and strips of moss flew everywhere.

"I'll help you pick it up," Monarchkit stated, and the other kits looked relieved to be able to continue. She hung back and began picking up the bits of fresh moss and putting them in a pile. Dartpaw looked at her gratefully. "Thanks."

"You're welcome."

But when the moss had been all picked up and Dartpaw sent on her way, Monarchkit did not go join the others. Instead, she slipped back into the nursery. She skirted around her mother and the other queens, stepping lightly to not be noticed. She reached the back, glanced around, and slipped into the secret tunnel. This might be her last chance. After all, her apprentice ceremony was in a moon. And she often did not have alone time. Cats would wonder what an apprentice was doing in the nursery.

She padded down, admiring the paw prints that lined the walls and ceiling. She imagined the cats that belonged to them, long ago.

This cat was super caring but a drama Queen, this cat had no leg, no one liked this cat because he was super smelly... She reached the end of the row, to the most recent one. And this cat was a grumpy tom that yells at kits and apprentices! She giggled. Although her predictions were probably far from the truth, it was still fun.

She reached the vine curtain that covered the training room, and pushed past it. The clearing inside looked bigger than she remembered. The silver hoops still floating in the sky, swaying like they were caught up on an invisible wave.

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