Touch Dan

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I look around. I couldn't remember where I was. I slowly opened my eyes and saw him crying. "I am so sorry Dan. I wish I could...", Phil said sobbing. I looked at him, tried to talk, but I couldn't say anything. I just watched him, watched him leave me again, kiss my lips softly, one touch.

Then there was darkness again. I was confused, anxious. Where was he? Where was I? " Phil?PHIIIL?", I yelled. The sound of my voice crashed down on me. The darkness vanished and a new seen appeared. Slowly the colours turned into pictures. Phil was standing in front of a crowd. Everyone was dressed in black clothes, holding my favorite flower in their hands. It was raining like a typical british day. Their faces were wet. Was it because of the rain? Or were there tears? Phil stood next to my mum. She was crying, holding a tissue in her hand, looking on the ground. They were staring at something. But what? I couldn't see it. "Phil, what is happening, what are you-", I reached out for his arm to comfort him, but my hand didn't touch him.

My sight was blurry and turned black again. I couldn't see. I only heard Phil sob. And my family. They were sobbing. About what? Why wasn't I with them? When my sight turned normal again we were in our living room. Well, Phil and my family was. With them were Felix, PJ, Marzia, Louise, Mark, Sean, Tyler and other friends of us. They all just stood there and stared at each other, holding hands, silently sobbing. What did happen? Why couldn't I remember anything? I looked at Marzia. Her stomach was swollen. Was she pregnant? She never told me. I'm so happy for Felix and her. Phil was talking to Adrian, but I couldn't understand a word they said. I walked towards Phil again. " Phil...", I reached out for him.

Darkness again. What was happening? Why was there darkness every time I tried to touch him? Why couldn't I touch Phil, my Phil. I wanted to feel his arms around me again, his soft lips connecting with mine. I wanted to hear his voice again, waking me upmearly in the morning. I wanted to find him secretly eating my cereals again, even though I hated him doing so. And I wantrd to love him again. My only true love.

When my sight returned to normal I was in an unknown room. It had ice blue walls and nothing was familiar to me. I then suddenly was on a long aisle. Lights turned on and off. I slowly walked this aisle, following the lights. "Dan...", I heard Phil's voice. " Dan....", I followed his silent voice, making my body shiver. "Dan.....", his voice was showing me the way. Fog surrounded me. It was dark, foggy, my sight was blurry. Everytime I touched the walls my sight became blurrier. But I couldn't stopnwalking. Phil was calling out my name.

I went through tunnels, through aisle after aisle. My body was aching but I didn't stop walking. His voice didn't stop repeating my name. " I am sorry", I suddenly heard him say. "I am sorry for letting you go", I followed his voice. " DON'T SAY THIS", I yelled, trying to run, but my feet sticked to the ground, letting me walk very slowly. Vines grabbed my legs and pulled me on the ground. "I am so so sorry Dan", I heard Phil say. " Don't say things like this Phil", I heard myself say. The vines pulled me down, tying me on the ground. "I shouldn't have let you go down", I heard Phil's shaky voice. " I should have fought for you Dan", his voice was nervous. "No", I whined. I was getting no air. " I am so sorry". Crack.

What was this sound? The vines let me go and I could stand up. I looked around. The fog was disappearing, thr lights turned on slowly. Slowly I walked the aisle and suddenly reached a door. I opened the door and looked around in it. "Dan, is this you?", I suddenly heard the voice I was missing for so long. "Is this really you?", I asked turning around, tears filling my eyes. Phil looked at me and nodded, slowly walking up to me. He was wearing a black tuxedo. "You look nice", I said and pulled him into a kiss, holding his face. When I moved my hands down his neck I felt a weird mark around it.

"What happened to your neck?", I asked him worried. Phil grabbed my hand and looked at me smiling. " It doesn't matter. All that matters is that you and I are together-Forever", he said and together we left, leaving two stones with flowers on them behind.

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