Police report #364839

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This is the Police report of the case Howell.

On this fateful day the phone call of Felix Kjellberg, who is a good friend of the victim. The caller was at the crime scene because he saw a video before, stating that the victim could try to commit suicide. Due to its health state the victim handed a flat key over to the caller earlier this year, which is why he could easily enter the flat. After the caller went into the flst and saw the victim hanging from the ceiling he left the room again and called our police station immediately. A team including Officer Johnson, Skylar and myself proceeded to the crime scene together with an ambulance. The body was found dead already. There were no signs of violence, nor drugs or alcohol abuse which lead to this crime, which is why this must be an act of suicide. Surprisingly the victim wore a black tuxedo and had his funeral planned already. The victim Phillip Michael Howell, born Lester, will be burried next to his husband Daniel James Howell, who passed away earlier this year.

The caller Felix Kjellberg stated that he was on his way home after he went shopping for his pregnant fiancé Marzia Bisognin, when he got the news about Phillip Michael Howell, born Lester. At first he thought this was a joke but he wanted to make sure it wasn't, so he went to the flat. When he saw the victim he called us because he didn't want his friend hang there for more time. Mr.Kjellberg also showed us the video which was his goodbye message.

"Hey guys. Yes, I know it's been a long time since I uploaded something. But I thought now is the time to talk. It is a long story, but I try to break it down as good as I can. Well, after Dan and I finished TATINOF europe the two of us got married. Yes, all of you were right, Phan was real the whole time. We went together on honeymoon in Japan and it was beautiful. But after we came home Dan got sick, really sick. This is why we announced the hiatus back then. We did this because Dan was going to die. We tried to spend as much time as possiblr together, but when the sickness got worse he started forgetting things. This day three months ago he passed away without even knowing who I was. I moved away to Brighton, but I couldn't get over him. Dan was my life. He was my motivstion, my shelter, my lifeboat. And now that he is gone I have nothing left. This is hard to take for many of you, but this will be the last video of me, ever. It is also the last public action of me, because I decided to follow Dan. Please don't cry guys. I know how important Dan and I were for you. We were lucky to have the greatest community in the world, the best fandom who was there for us so often. With TATINOF and the books we tried to create something that could be remembered when we are gone.
I know this is not the right way and that I always told you not to do this, but the fact that I'm not with Dan anymore is killing me slowly inside. And I'm feeling dead already. I don't want you to cry. I don't want you to be sad that we're gone. I'm sure Dan would agree to what I say now: Keep on living! Keep on spreading the love you showed us so often. Spread the whiskers. Put them on your faces and remember how a dot and six lines forged a neverending friendship. Keep on cringing to things, keep on singing the ladders song, write smuty stuff about us. But don't let the flame that burns in all of us go out just because Dan and I are gone. We might not be here anymore, but the truth is, not Dan and I are Phan. All of you have the Phan in you. Each of you watching our videos is Phan. All of you are Dan and Phil. And as long you believe in this, Dan and I will never die.
So, I think this was it. Thank you for all your support. Please stay alive. And please never forget us".

The victims brother and brother-in-law got all their stuff after there were no own kids. According to the news their brothers founded a Dan and Phil museum in honour of them.
The corpse of  Phillip Michael Howell was burried five days after the suicide next to his husband.

After there is no evidence that didn't prove the suicide wrong, this case got closed.

Two months after Phil dies Marzia gave birth to her son Daniel Phillip Kjellberg. The phandom kept spreading the catwhiskers in the world and even though they were dead, no one stopped remember who they were and what real love means.

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