Chapter 1 - Just the beginning

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   It was an uncommon chilly day in September for that small town in southern Illinois. Although it wasn't fall yet, it was beginning to feel an awful lot like it. The west wind was blowing, and the west wind always meant trouble was brewing.

   "Damn girl. That boy has you hypnotized." I heard my best friends voice. As I looked over she was leaning up against the locker next to mine. I sighed, staring at him again. "You got that right. His eyes are the most hypnotizing of all." I laughed. I could hear the worry in her voice "I can't believe its been a year. Go talk to him. You really never know." I slowly let my stare fall from his face, I looked down at my books, my legs started to shake. "I can't. Gotta go." I whispered over my shoulder as I walked to my first class of the day.

   It was our first day back to school from summer vacation. I've been dreading this day since May. As I walked into my class, I silently prayed HE wasn't in my class.

   I scanned the room, seeing some familiar faces and some unfamiliar faces. None of my close friends that I could see, hoping I would have seen my best friends. I quickly put my head down and found an empty seat towards the middle of the class.

   I sat my bag on the ground and took out my binder. Most teachers didn't give you home work let alone school work for the first week, but you never know with new teachers. As I nervously had my hands crossed, waiting for the teacher to walk in I felt a tap on my shoulder. I smiled as I turned around, thinking it would be my best friend Hailey. And then my eyes met his, Luke's, those hypnotizing eyes.

   "How are things?" he smiled. My smile faded when I realized I was still smiling at him. I quickly looked away back towards the front of the classroom. I wasn't ready for a conversation with him. Now now, probably not ever. "Kallie?" I heard his voice coming from the seat next to me now. Knowing he was relentless and wouldn't go away. "Everything's fine." I said without missing a beat as I never took my eyes off of the clock in the front of the room.

   I took out my planner and started writing things down, as if I was busy. He didn't care, he continued to tell me about his summer, as if I really cared. Then he stopped, I took it as if he took the hint. I heard him sigh, I looked over at him he was fidgeting with his hands as if he was nervous like he always did. He caught me staring and whispered "I'm so sorr-". "Hello everyone my name is Mr. Ward." a voice came in the classroom, overruling Luke's. Everyone's eyes shot to the chalk board where he was writing his name.

   He griped and complained about his past students. He told us what to expect throughout the year in his classroom. On Thursdays he said he would always help us prepare for the tests on Fridays. "I have a good feeling this will be a good year." Mr. Ward said smiling from ear to ear. I looked over at Luke, he was talking to the girl in front of him and I whispered "Doubtful" as the bell rang.

   I gathered all of my things and hurried out of the classroom, not wanting to see Luke again.


   The rest of the day went by pretty slow. Hailey had only been in one class with me the whole day. Which was kind of depressing but it was a new year, a new me. I didn't need her reminding me who I was. It was bad enough Lukas was there to remind me every day. The last class of the day started coming to an end and everyone had excitement written all over them. Until -

   *Buzz. Buzzz. Buzzzz* my phone started vibrating in my purse. I hurried up reaching into my purse. "Who's phones going off." the teacher barked as scanning the class. No one said a word. The more seconds that passed the more she became aggravated. "That's fine. I'll just start searching through everyone's things." Mrs. Wilson said rolling her eyes. She got closer to me, desk after desk. My palms started to get sweaty, I never got in trouble. "You're fine." she said to the sandy blonde girl in front of me. "It's mine Mrs. Wilson." A voice across the room said. Everyone looked over and all eyes were on the boy I never thought that would save me. Lukas.

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