Love and a Twist!

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Bella's pov

It's been two full months since Edward's left me plus two months and two weeks since Edward and I had had sex. The past month my life has been a living hell. I haven't talked to anyone and I wasn't able to eat neither sleep. I hadn't talked to any one other than my dad.

That all changed two weeks ago when I found out I was pregnant with Edward's baby. I live for my baby now and I have been eating a lot more too. I arranged a doctor's appointment when I first found out I was pregnant. I obtained the doctor's appointment a week ago, they told me I was 2 months along.

I announced to my dad that I was carrying a young, living soul inside me the day after I found out I was pregnant. Only to get the most shocking news. My dad spoke to me that I was not human. I was witch/vampire/pixie/fairy.

It was too much to take in. So I just walked out and went to Edward's and my meadow . I sat there rubbing and talking to my belly that wasn't yet visible, but was a little hard.

“I wish your dad was here. Maybe we could have worked it out and have been the family you deserved. But we just have to make do with what we got.”

I was at home, getting the stuff I was making for dinner out for my dad and I. All of a sudden the phone rang and I picked it up, it was my dad

“Hey dad, what's up?” I asked.

“Hey kiddo, I was just calling to let you know that Billy and Jake are coming over for dinner tonight. Is that okay with you?”

“Sure dad, I was just getting the stuff out to make lasagna,“ I notified him. “Okay kiddo, well we'll be over there in about an hour or so.”

After I hung up. I started on the food. Over the past month Jake and me became really good, close friends. He is like my best friend now. We tell each other everything. He even told me he was gay. He said he's scared to confess to his dad. He doesn't want Billy to disown him just because he likes the same sex. Billy and him know what my dad and me are . They told us that they're werewolves.

I was relieved!I didn't have to hide my secret from him. Jake and Billy are excited for the baby to come. But no where near as excited as my dad is, he has been trying to buy baby clothes, but I wont let him. I finally gave in to him buying me a Black Brand New Rang Rover he claims it's for the baby.

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