chapter 4

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It's been a week since I found out I was having a baby boy. I am so happy thus I can't help but feel depressed because Edward does not believe that the baby is his; i've never slept with anyone else but him and I can't believe he thinks I slept around after him. I haven't even dated any one before or after he was my first for everything. Nevertheless, in the voice mail he left me on my phone didn't sound ethical, I mean it was his voice saying those rude words, but it didn't sound like he would say something like that to me, no matter how much he didn't love me or accept that the baby wasn't his. Maybe I'm just being silly. I've been going to school and completing online classes so that I can graduate early. I don't really have any friends except Angela. Ever since everybody found out I was pregnant they avoid me like I'm the plague. I mean really I'm just pregnant, it's not like it's a disease or something. School is basically hell because everyone is always staring or pointing and talking about me to others including teachers! The only person I speak to is Angela. When she asks how I'm doing or how my pregnancy is going she seems like she genuinely cares. In fact, I am now four months and some days pregnant. I don't even look like I am a month pregnant let alone four. I’m just getting out of school and on my way over to Charlie’s house to make lasagna for both of us tonight. He says he wants to go over about some things with me and by the time we are finished it's almost time for me to go to work. My job is as a nurse at the hospital from 6:00 to 11:00pm. Furthermore, after work I go to my apartment and take a shower plus go to bed then I do repeat the process again the next day for the whole week. Charlie dislikes my schedule, he says it's not good for my health or the baby's, but I have to be responsible. Consequently, I need to learn how to take care of my infant on my own and get used to such work. Moreover, I snapped out of my day dreaming and served Charlie’s and my plate right when he entered the room. We sat down, eating, until we were done then we took a seat on the couch so we could have a discussion.“Well, Bella now that you found out what you are it’s necessary for you to grasp the fact that you need to know how to control your powers and the other responsibilities that come with it. It is required that we train you,” Charlie affirmed.“Alright, can we start this weekend because I won’t be busy during those days,” I responded. “Yes sweetheart. I just wanted to let you know,” Charlie replied and then yawned.“Okay dad well I have to leave now to go get ready for work. I'll see you tomorrow,” I brought out as I kissed him 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2012 ⏰

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