Where it all began

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Chapter 1 :

That morning harry wakes up two hours before his alarm, he's so excited for his first day at University. He's been looking forward to starting school and finally being out of high school. He was closeted the majority of high school and finally came out at the end of his senior year. He decided to go to a private art school where the people would be a lot more excepting of his sexual orientation. Ridiculous he even has to worry about that, but he didn't want to have to feel the same judgement he felt in high school when he worked so hard to get out of that.

Harry gets in the shower and lets the water wash over him for a bit while he day dreams about the day before him. He has been imagining this day for so long. After the shower he begins to work on the hair situation. As much as he loves his long, curly hair it can be a pain in the ass to deal with. His arsenal of products would rival most of the girls he knew, finally he gets them falling perfectly around his face. He stayed up way too late last night planning the perfect outfit to wear on his first day. He slips on the tight black skinny jeans, white t-shirt,and a loose fitting black scarf. Finally he completes the look with his tan, suede boots.

After he's finished getting ready he has sometime to kill since he woke up so early. He double checks his backpack to make sure he has everything packed and goes over his class list and maps out his day in his head.

Harry hears his dorm mates alarm going off followed by a loud groan before the alarm clock gets thrown off the night stand.
"Morning sunshine" Harry says all too chipper for that time of the morning.
"I don't know how you are so perky in the morning" Niall, his dorm mate, mumbles while pulling himself out of bed still half asleep.
Harry and Niall had hit it off as soon as they were told they would be rooming together and started talking on facebook. Niall is the happiest person Harry has ever met as long as he isn't tired or hungry, Harry found out very quickly. Niall gets up and starts getting ready for the day.
Once Niall is ready they head to the cafeteria to get breakfast, first things first for Niall. They get their food and sit down. After they get done eating they both head to their first classes of the day agreeing to meet up for lunch.

Harry's first few classes go by pretty well. Most of them are general requirement classes since it's his first year of college. He does make a new friend named Liam Payne that is in his first 2 classes of the day though. They hit it off, exchange numbers, and Liam invites him to come over to his dorm suite to hang out sometime.

By the time his art class rolls around Harry is practically skipping to class he's so excited. He took art classes in high school, but never felt challenged by them. He's hoping to actually grow as an artist since this school is known for their art programs. He grabs a seat near the front and waits for the class to begin. It's almost time for class to start when Harry sees a very attractive boy walk through the doors.  Harry let's himself stare for a second since the boy is looking down with his fringe in his eyes. The boy is shorter than Harry, dressed in a loose sweatshirt, tight black skinny jeans that make his legs look amazing, and black vans.  Luckily for him they're aren't many seats left and the boy takes the empty seat next to Harry.
"Hi! I'm Harry!" He says a little to enthusiastically which makes him want to face palm. Especially since he caught the other boy off guard and made him jump and almost fall out of his chair.
"Hey, I'm Louis." The other boy says quietly, looking up at Harry only briefly. But oh man, does he have the most beautiful blue eyes and cheek bones that look like they have been carved out of marble. Harry is in a bit of a trance until the professor comes in and gets the class started.
"Hello everyone, my name is Mrs.Guth and this is Introduction to Painting : Materials and Techniques. This semester isn't going to be an easy one, but if you work hard and stick with it you'll come out a better artist." She said with a warm smile. She was a middle aged woman with long, curly hair and looked like she just came from a Grateful Dead concert. Harry seemed to like her already. She started the lecture going over the syllabus, expectations, etc. Towards the end of the class she gave their first assignment.
"Now, for the first assignment I want everyone to paint me something." The class laughed a little at that, because isn't that why we are here?
"It can be anything you want, any style, any subject. I just want to get an idea of where everyone is starting and it will be good for you all to look back at the end of the semester and see how far you have come. I want them turned in at the next class, have a good day, you're dismissed."
Everyone started collecting their things to head out. Harry figured he'd give it another go with Louis.
"I think this is going to be a good class, I can't wait to get started on the first assignment" He said to louis who was mindlessly gathering his things. Louis looked up at him with an unreadable expression.
"Yeah, it should be good. I don't know what I'm going to do yet."
They exchanged a few more sentences until there was an awkward silence since Louis wasn't giving Harry much to work with. Harry's heart was pounding, he wasn't sure why he was so nervous. Then louis gave him a small wave bye and headed out of the class. Harry has to get it together, he's just the most beautiful boy Harry has ever seen, no big deal.

Harry meets up with Niall in the cafeteria, but they decide to eat outside on the lawn since it's a beautiful fall day outside. Niall just finished filling Harry in on how his classes are going, he's music major and plays the guitar but also sings.
"How did your classes go?" Niall asked Harry as they were sitting down under a big tree.
"Pretty good! The first few classes weren't that interesting, first day rules and all that. I met a cool guy named Liam, we exchanged numbers and he wants to hang out with him and his roommates sometime." Harry said filling him in on the day so far.
"Yeah, that'd be great." At least that's what Harry thinks he said as Niall is inhaling his lunch.
"Oh, and the guy who sits next to me in my Introduction to Painting class seems to be pretty cool." Harry said trying to hide the huge grin he got just thinking about Louis.
"Have a crush do we Harry?" Niall giggled. Harry was so happy when he came out to Niall and he was supportive about it. You never know when you're rooming with straight guys, but Harry wanted to give Niall a heads up before they officially started rooming together. Niall had never been anything less that great about it.
"Am I that transparent? He's beautiful Niall, but I made a fool of myself. I nearly made him fall out of his chair by saying high too loudly." They both giggled and continued eating their lunch.
After lunch they headed back to the dorm to get started on assignments for their classes. Harry fell asleep thinking about Louis and making a better impression next time. Harry was a notorious flirt and never got nervous around boys, but Louis was almost too perfect.

The next day went by and wasn't too eventful, more classes but same old first day syllabus/rules and introductions. He made a few new friends and was already getting invited to some parties. He went back to his dorm after classes and started working on his painting that was due the next day. He stayed up pretty late working on it, he wanted it to be as close to perfect as possible. Finally, after hours of painting, he decided it was good enough and tried to get some sleep. Though his nerves had another idea, making him nervous planning out what he was going to say to Louis the next day. He tossed and turned for a while, before finally falling asleep.

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