Full of Surprises

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The first few classes of the day seemed to drag on and on, probably because Harry was so nervous to see Louis later in the day. He sits by Liam again in his firsr few classes and is happy to have a friendly face in the huge lecture hall. Liam seems great, he has a dorm suite with three other roommates. But they got one of the newer ones with two separate bedrooms and a communal living room/kitchen area.
"You should come over tonight. Me and the boys are going to hang out and play fifa." Liam said to Harry as they were packing up to leave class.
"Yeah, that'd be great. Mind if I bring my roommate?" Harry asked. He was excited to hang out with Liam and meet some new people as well.
"Ofcourse not. I'll text you the time and which dorm I'm in. See ya later man!" Liam said while walking off to his next class.
"See ya!" Harry said, headed towards art class. Butterflies already building in his stomach just thinking about seeing you know who.
He gets to class and is more happy than he should be that Louis decided to sit in the same seat again. Currently, Louis is hunched over drawing something in a sketch pad with his head phones in. His painting is laid out on the desk and Harry can't believe how good it is. He knows everyone had to submit a portfolio to get into the school, but he wasn't expecting that. It's of a beautiful girl floating in a lake by herself, looks innocent enough, until you get closer and see in the water that there are monsters about to drag her down into the water. Her face is so calm and serene, it's the perfect still shot before the monsters can grab her and drag her down into the water.
Harry sets his bag down and puts his own painting on the desk, now wishing he did something a little more original. He's still proud of his, but he opted for a landscape painting of a cottage hidden in the woods. He managed to get tons of detail and texture to the piece, but it's nothing compared to Louis'.
"Your painting is amazing." Harry says, settling into his seat. He startles Louis, man this boy is jumpy, forgetting that he had his head phones in and didn't even notice Harry sit down.
"Sorrywhadyasay?" Louis says so quickly and quietly Harry barely even understood.
"Oh, sorry. I just really like your painting. You did a good job." Harry said, feeling pretty happy with himself because Louis turned a bright shade of red.
"Thanks, yours is way better than mine though." Louis said quietly.
"Are you kidding me? Yours has so much emotion put into it. It's way better than mine." Harry thought Louis was just trying to make him feel better about his painting not being as good.
"Agree to disagree, eh?" Louis shrugged off the compliment.

Mrs.Guth walked in and had everyone turn in their paintings and announced their first big project.
"Alright, I know these classes can be a bit intimidating trying to figure out what is expected of you so I have something that I do with all the freshman students. I'm going to put you in pairs to work on your midterm projects." To which a few people groaned, hard to have group art projects especially when it's your midterm which makes up a decent amount of your grade. Mrs.Guth calmed everyone down.
"Okay, okay. Hear me out now, you won't be graded together except for  one part of it that you'll both have to work on. The rest you can just use your partner for an opinion and guidance. I'm passing out the list of artwork that needs to be turned in for your midterm portfolio. I'll announce your partners and I'll allow you the rest of class to get to know each other and start working on your projects." She went through the list of who was partnered with who and Harry couldn't believe his luck when he heard Louis was his partner. He turned to Louis and smiled, "Guess we should look over this list, huh?" Louis just politely smiled back and looked down at the paper. He didn't seem very excited to be in a group with Harry, Harry knew he wasn't as talented as Louis but he wasn't that bad.
The list of pieces they had to complete were;  a piece in whichever style you choose, landscape painting, abstract painting, a portrait of your partner and a mural. Everyone would be assigned a section of the school to do a mural on that both partners had to work on. Harry was thrilled when he saw that he was going to do a portrait of Louis, he was going to memorize every part of Louis' features. Although, when he looked up at Louis he saw what looked like panic,  but it was gone quickly as Louis looked back down.
"This doesn't look too bad, we should probably plan a time to get together and work on this." Harry said trying not to sound to eager.
"Uhm..Okay, yeah that makes sense." Louis said, barely glancing up at Harry for a second.
"Should we exchange numbers...or...?" Harry didn't want to seem too pushy, but it was for the project after all. Yeah, totally all about the project, not the fact that he is majorly crushing on this guy.
"Sure, let's meet tomorrow. Just text me when you get done with classes and we will pick a time." Louis said while putting his number in Harry's phone and vice versa. They talked about ideas for the mural for the rest of class, well Harry talked and Louis listened, interjecting every now and then.

Class ended and Harry went to meet up with Niall.
"Oh my gosh! Niall! I got paired with him for a project! And that's not the best part, I get to do a portrait of him which means I can stare at him all I want. That sounded creeepy, oh man I'm not creepy. What if he thinks I'm creepy Niall? Oh, this'll never work. I'm going to embarrass myself aren't I? I-" 
"Damn, you got it bad. Calm down, you're gonna pass out if you don't breathe." Niall giggled, loving tormenting his love sick friend.
"Very funny, it's just a crush. I'll get over it soon. I'm not even looking for a relationship." Harry might have been trying to convince himself more than Niall.
"Whatever you say man. What do you want to do tonight?"
"Actually, Liam invited us over for fifa later if you're up for it?"
"Hell yeah!"
"Cool let me text him and see when he wants us to come over"
Harry texted Liam and asked when he wanted together. Liam was just finishing up with his classes for the day and told them they could come over in an hour.
Harry and Niall knocked on the door to Liam's dorm and Liam opened the door and welcomed them in.
"Liam this is Niall, Niall this is Liam." Harry said going through the formalities.
Liam's dorm was set up with a communal space and two rooms on either side. He introduced them to two of his three roommates.
"Harry and Niall this is Zayn and Stan."
Harry and Niall replied with hello's. Zayn was a tall, lanky guy with black hair and big brown eyes and Stan was an average looking guy with brown hair. Liam went to grab his third roommate while Harry and Niall got to know the other two boys. Harry was not prepared for who came out of the room, though.
"And this is Louis, don't mind him he's not too big on company." Liam introduced them.
"Very funny, Liam. Make me sound like an ass." Louis pouted and then froze as he made eye contact with Harry.
"Hey louis." Harry's heart was pounding and he couldn't believe his luck. What are the odds?

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