Chapter 1

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Katelyn's Pov.

"Hello, I'm Katelyn Barnes. I was told to meet my manger on floor 4." I say as the receptionist looks at her computer and types in my name.

"Oh, yeah. Here you are. Rachael's waiting on the other side of the elevator. Good luck." She says as I smile and take the pass she gave me.

I step into the elevator as a guy gets in with me. I look at him as he smiles and I smile back.

"What floor?" I ask as he smiles.
"4 please." He says as I smile.
"Me too." I reply as my phone beeps.

I check it to see that it's from my friend, Lindsey. I roll my eyes and put my phone back in my pocket.

"So, what's your name?" The guy asks as I smile.
"Katelyn, you?" I reply as he looks at me.
"Nathan. I think I've heard of you. Are you new to this?" He asks as I nod.
"Yeah, I started a couple months ago." I say as he nods.
"I started 6 years ago. Trust me, you'll get used to everything." He says as I nod and the elevator dings before the doors open, "Hey, Rach!" Nathan says stepping out of the elevator with me.
"I see you've already met and introduced yourselves?" Rachael, asks as I nod and Nathan smiles at me, "Well, hey guys. Follow me please." She says as I look at Nathan and we follow her.

We follow her into a room as she gestures for us to sit down. We take a seat before she starts talking about how Nathan and I are gonna be working together on a song to help me with boosting my career and getting more publicity and fans.

"Right, so first of all, Nathan. You're gonna write the song because we've already established that Kate here, she can't write songs." Nathan nods as I smile, "And Kate, you will be choosing who sings what part of Nathan's song. Any objections?" Rachael asks as I nod.
"Yeah, because Nathan's writing the song and it's his song, shouldn't he choose who sings what parts or at least have some say in what part he sings and what part I sing?" I ask as Nathan agrees.
"Fine, you'll both choose the parts but, any arguing and Kate will have final say, understood?" Rachael says as we nod, "Also, Katelyn, you have a solo coming up in a few months time to rehearse and record, so we'll get that sorted in September, okay?" Rachael asks as I nod before she leaves the room, leaving Nathan and I sat together.

We stay silent for a few minutes until Nathan breaks it.

"Thank you for that." He says as I look at him confused.
"For what?" I question as he smiles at me.
"For asking about who chooses parts. I mean, with duets, I don't really get a say." He smiles as I return the smile.
"It's fine, honestly." I reply as he smiles and we stand up to get ready for Nathan to write the song.
"Do you wanna get a Costa, that way we can sit in there and write the song together?" Nathan asks as I nod.
"Yeah, it'll be fun but, I warn you. I am really bad at writing this stuff." I say as he smiles and walks with me to the elevator.


"So far I've got the title and..." He pauses, "Yeah, that's it." He says as I look at the title.

I take his pen and start writing before giving him the pen and paper back.

"Katelyn, this is really good. You can't write songs? That's a load of bull." He says as I shrug.

'Sometimes you have to walk the road alone,
Hoping to stop,
Hoping to find a place you can call home.

But no place is home to me,
And I get no sympathy,
Not even the birds have sympathy song for me.

Yet one day there will be hope,
A place for me to be,
When that day is however,
I will never know. On that day,
I will find you,
I will help you like he helped me,
And all love will come your way.

But I don't know if I ever will find,
I doubt I ever will,
I know someday,
I will learn,
Learn to love again.'

Nathan looks at me speechless.

"How did you come up with this? Is that like, a whole song?" He asks as I nod.

"Yeah, I wrote it about two of my ex's a couple years back. Ones a girl and one's a boy. They ended up getting together. I was told that it was awful." I say as Nathan shakes his head.

"It's amazing. We gotta show Rachael." Nathan says grabbing my hand and running back to the studios with me to find Rachael.

"Rach!" Nathan shouts grabbing my hand as we run to her, "I know you told me to write the song but, I couldn't come up with anything and this song is amazing. Katelyn wrote it." Nathan says handing Rachael the song as I go bright red.

"That is pretty good. Look guys, I have a meeting to go to but, sort out your parts and we'll sort something else out later, okay? See you guys later." She says as Nathan smiles at me.

"Let's go sort out our parts."

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