A Change: Part Two

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'Hey, Bestie. Aw, who are these roses for?", You ask, surprised. 

"Oh, they're for you. And all the hard work you've done.", Yoosung says, as he hands you the bouquet and turns a bright red. "And they even go well with your dress. I was afraid that the cashier would've given it away haha."
You give him a big hug. "Thank you, Yoosung. I'll read the card later."

Jumin, Jaehee, Seven, and Zen all gather around you and Yoosung in the lobby. "Awwwww.", Zen says. Jumin is obviously not impressed, while Jaehee wears a slight smirk on her face. "All the guests are arriving, we should greet them at the door. Beautiful, you and I will do that. Only us though. Everyone else can go sit down.", Jumin commands.

As the guests slowly filter in and 12 O'clock comes around, you start to think about Jumin, Yoosung's gift, and Zen's conversation. Jumin hasn't really done anything for your relationship. He totally forgot about your one year anniversary last year.. And this year as well... But Yoosung didn't forget, and it wasn't even his relationship. You and Yoosung went out to the mall and went on a shopping spree the first time, and watched a really good movie with Zen as the starring role the second time. Maybe Jumin isn't the right man for you....?

"....And that was the last guest. Perfect! Everyone is here. Beautiful, you go and take a seat. You seem more spacey that usual today. Is there something bothering you in anyway? You know I can fix anything, with my power and money.", Jumin says, showing his pearly whites. "Is it that foolish boy, Yoosung? Ah, don't worry about him. He shouldn't be interfering our relationship. Roses, what was he thinking?"

Jumin really struck a nerve that time. Not unlike many other instances... But he loves you, and you love him, no matter what. It's any day now that he'll get on one knee and ask the big question... You decide to let it pass, just this one time.

"Ooh, what got you raging?", Seven asks after seeing your face. You realize that you look like you're about to kill a man and relax your face. "Oh, nothing. Ignore that haha,". He doesn't buy it. "'Nothing'. Sure. It has to be something. Well, I guess we'll find out sooner or later, right? Ah, Jumin is going to make a speech. We should sit down."

After the long boring speech, everyone starts to mix and mingle, previously invited companies with newer organizations, RFA members with whom they invited, and representatives with other representatives. Everyone is so happy, going to a party for a good cause. And you're the one hosting it all. You go up to Jumin, surrounded by women of different age groups. "Uh, Jumin?"
"Yes, lovely?"
"Can we dance together?"
"Can we what?!", Jumin says with a shocked face.
"It's something called a dance, and it's an activity that couples do when they really like each other for entertainment purposes. I heard that there's an empty spot in the middle especially reserved for us."
All the women swoon.
"Beautiful, maybe later. This is a party for business only. Not a dance floor."
You leave him with his entourage disgusted.

Business only? What?! That's the only thing he ever does nowadays. With him always on business trips and in meetings, you can never talk to him. In person, over text, on the phone, nothing. And now he wants to make more BUSINESS? This is the only time that you can bond with him and all he wants to do is make contacts, sign deals, do everything to make money. Ok, fine, this IS a 'party that raises funds for the well-being of others' but can he actually have some fun for once..? You see Yoosung alone and go vent all your feelings out to him. After all, he'll understand you the most out of all the other RFA members.

"Hmmm..", Yoosung says after the burst of feelings and the long stream of curses.
"'Hmmm..' what? That's like saying 'k' after a long paragraph explaining your true feelings to someone or something."
"No, it's not that." After a long pause, he finally says, "Well, for two years, you've been taking my mind off stressful situations, so it's my turn to do the same for you. Would.. you care to dance.. with me?"
You start to blush. Ah, could one dance harm anyone? Even if it did, it would anger Jumin. But is he really the one you'd want to be thinking about?
"Of course, I'd love to dance with you, Yoosung."

Stepping out into the middle of the dance floor, Yoosung takes your hand and puts his hand around your waist. You feel your face to burn up even more.
"Is this how you do it? I haven't been to Dance Club for a few months now", Yoosung laughs as pulls you closer. You sway and move to the piano's soft rhythm. Others catch on and occupy the empty space. You look over Yoosung's shoulder to see Seven holding Longcat in his arms and throwing him up in the air, as if the cat is his dance partner. Zen is a few feet away from him taking a video on his phone. Yoosung notices and giggles with you.
"Seven sure lives up to his name, 'Cat Torturer'."

After what seemed like years and years of gloriously staring into each others' eyes, accidentally stepping on Yoosung's feet a million times, and messing up the usual footwork, Jumin finally decides to tear his eyes away from his business plans for once and find you. Dancing with that 'foolish boy, Yoosung'. You're in trouble.

"What the hell is going on here? I say no to one dance and then you're off waltzing with another guy?", Jumin yells, grabbing everyone's attention. Jaehee stands in shock, her mouth gaping. Zen points the camera away from Seven, who nearly drops Longcat, and towards the dance floor, where Jumin is making a scene. "Jumin, don't make this party all about you." Yoosung says angrily. "Oh, look. The boy best friend stepping in between the boyfriend and girlfriend. What is this, a soap opera? Sit down, little boy, and don't interfere with relationships from now on, alright? Don't forget that I have everything you can only dream of." Jumin sneers.

You suddenly get a tingling feeling that screams of defending Yoosung. But choosing your best friend over your boyfriend?

You step in between the two of them. Your mistake. Jumin throws a punch at Yoosung and hits you square. in. the. nose. You feel the warm red liquid trickle down your nose and onto your pristine, white dress. "What the actual hell?!?!" "You goddamn idiot!" "You hit your girlfriend in the nose!" Zen, Jaehee, and Seven exclaim while Yoosung runs to get napkins. Various gasps and murmurs are heard from guests and reporters' flashes blind your eyes, making everything ten times worse. Lucky, Yoosung comes back with napkins shortly and takes you into the restroom, where he sits you down in a chair. "Do you need anything? Water?" Yoosung doesn't wait for an answer and rushes out.

You think about what just happened in the last five minutes. One minute, you didn't have a care in the world just by looking into those bright purple eyes, then the next you're getting punched in the face by the jet black-haired businessman. Now you're sitting in the bathroom with blood-soaked napkins and a broken nose. 

Authors note: This was written by Cocchi and she hadn't published it yet, because she thought it was bad but I decided to upload it because it's good, and because we've practically been ghosts, but this is Cocchi's second part, hope you all enjoy!!


 Cocchi pls don't hurt me 

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