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Lizzy's Memory

It happened 2 years ago. I was at Ciels house when it happened, the day my life went to complete and utter hell. I was in an argument with Ciel and he had ordered Sebastain out of the room and told him to not attempt to listen to our argument. The argument went on for a while before Ciel had enough and slapped my harshly across the face, my cheek swelled quite handsomely.

I ran out of the room in tears, back then I wore frilly girlish dresses, and I ran into the nearest room which just so happened to be Ciels. I had closed the door and sat on the floor crying for what seemed like hours. It was sunset and finally the door opened, it was Ciel. He looked horrible like he never slept in ages, his eyes were sad and filled with regret they were also red and puffy. He must have been crying I thought.

He came and sat in front of me, I pulled him closely and held him until he pulled away and kissed my cheek over and over and over again, each kiss was more passionate than the last. After that he kissed every where else, however I never aloud it to go much further than what it already was, he didn't want that either.

After about an hour he stopped and dug his face in the crook of my neck and fell asleep, l remember how I could feel his warm breath hitting my neck and sending shivers down my spine. That's when Sebastain opened the door, the crack letting in light that hit my face. He then smiles at Ciel and took him out of my arms and into his where he carried him to bed and got him ready for the rest of the night.

Afterwards he escorted me out where we sat in the drawing room, it was raining pretty hard outside at the time, then my carriage arrived to take me home. When I got home that night I was exhausted, however more bad news awaited me. As soon as I came in through the door my mother was in tears. She told me about my fathers death. His carriage flipped and he died.

I quickly ran out of the house and ran into town, there I met a village boy who was actually a beggar, his name was Kelik. He told me stories of how it used to be before both his parents died then he told me a story about a demon who adores children, he said that she takes care of the children who's parents have died and she visits them when she pitties their poor souls. Kelik is a year older than me.

That night after we said our goodbyes, and went back home my mother was drunk beyond all recognition. She had a strange man with her and when I told him to get out he smacked me and all my mother did was laugh. I ran to my room angry. This happened for the next 2 months except one night while my mother was passed out, her guy friend creeped into my room and tried to rape me.

I screamed and yelled for help but no one came to my rescue, when I thought all hope was lost and tears started rolling down my cheeks, staining them the lights turned off and suddenly I heared a voice say: "don't shed tears young one, crying doesn't change anything." Not a second after that the man trying to rape me screamed from down the hallway and his scream turned into a blood throteled choke.

I had closed my eyes and when I opened them that's when I was in that pitch black palace where I met (y/n). That's when me and he creates a contract. Now she's my maid and has been for the past 2 years.
Your POV

I open the curtains and the light illuminates my lady's room, she slowly flutters her eyes open, her long lashes flickering up and down fast. "Good morning My lady, it's time for breakfast." She sits up and rubs her eyes. "(Y/n), good morning." She says while rubbing her eyes and yawning.

"Miss once I get you dressed, we can go downstairs to the dinning room and have breakfast. Today is going to be a very busy day, starting off with your meeting with Mr. Burke. Then after lunch we need to take you shopping for the queens ball tonight. I do hope you will not be picky with what you wear." Elizabeth sighs. "That's right, that damn ball is tonight. How agergavting." She says annoyed. I finish getting her dressed and we head downstairs for breakfast where she eats it while I finish doing some extra cleaning.

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