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With a swift swing, she lightly slices the back of my ankle making me wince a bit in pain. However at the same time Sebastian swiftly moves behind her and holds her by her neck, pulling her hair back so she's facing the ceiling. "Nice moves Michaelis." She says with a chuckle. "Don't move or I'll rip your throat apart." He says softly. "Now.. Where is my master?" He asks with a low growl. "Fine. I surrender. He's down there." She says pointing to a small stage where his head lay limp, and he's all tied up. "But it's no use. Not anymore. He's already far gone." Sebastian goes ahead and kills her, throwing her body away like a piece of trash. "You subdued him to the horrifying music, a fate worse than death. In exchange I took your pathetic, worthless life. Not that it will compensate for what you did to my Master." He says deeply as he wipes the blood off his hands and onto the borrowed clothes he's wearing.

"She's with her beloved Claud now, and that Trancy boy... He and his brother are free." I say softly as I jump down and walk towards the sleeping boy on the stage. "How do you know about the Trancy boy {y/n}? I thought you were in your realm when that happened." Sebastian asks curiously. I look back at him with a bit of a sinister smile. "My lady does her research you know. She is working for the queen now after all." I say cheekily as I pause on the stage steps, just before the Phantomhive boy and turn around. "He's your Master, Michealis, you do it." I say softly. "I suppose I'm obligated to, am I not?" He replies as he steps forward and up the stage to where his master lies asleep. "If he's turned, what are you going to do?" I ask a little worried. Sebastian's eyebrows furrow up a bit as he slightly shakes his head. "Continue to be his butler I suppose. My contract did state that I would be his to control until the day came that I was supposed to take his soul, if that means he's immortal like us, then I will eternally serve by his side." He answers sorrowfully.

"And you're okay with that? Serving a turned demon for the rest of your life?" I ask again, tilting my head a little to the side. "I don't have a choice in the matter, it was a contract he formed with me when he was still human, it is a contract I must follow weather he's human or he's turned." He says softly as he takes his left glove off and kneels before Ciel, placing the marked hand over his left eye. "Young master, it's time to wake up now." He says softly as he watches Ciel intently, the symbol on his hand glowing a deep, crimson red. "To be perfectly clear {y/n}, He's been hiding a secret from the world for a while now..." He says deeply as he stands up, the symbol on his hand turning from red to a deep purple. "You see... He's already a demon..." He says softly as Ciel stirs once and opens his eyes, which are glowing a Crimson Red like Sebastian's symbol once was. I stare at the small boy in amazement. 

"Seb..astian..." Ciel mumbles softly as his eyes flutter open, going back to their normal blue and marked eyes. "Good, I hope you weren't asleep for too long master..." Sebastian says softly as he holds a hand out to Ciel. "Not at all, maybe an hour at most. You sure did take your sweet time." He says a little annoyed as he snaps the ropes off his hands like it was paper and then rips off the rest of the rope tied around his body. "Where's Lizzy?" He asks looking around. "If you're here {y/n}, I would assume that you brought your master with you as well." He says taking Sebastian's hand and standing up. "I left her back at the town house, where it's more safe." I say softly, he scoffs in disgust once as he massages his sore wrists one after the other. "That's horrible maid service..." He jokes to himself and scoffs once more. I roll my eyes at him and turn around. "So how long have you been a Soul Eater Phantomhive?" I ask as I begin to make my way towards the front doors. "Let's see... About a year now." He says as he bends down to pick up his small handgun that he dropped while he was tied up.

"That long without ever eating, and acting like a normal human being? You must be in some excruciating pain." I say looking down at him. He shrugs and walks beside me, opening the door. "I'm used to it, I barley realize it now." He says softly and the moment we all step outside we hurry back to the town houses.

Your My Demonic Possestion {Sebastian Michealis x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now