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Before I start writing yea this is suppose to be in England but uh I'm American and I don't know much about what goes on across the pond so sorry for the inaccuracies


Harry P.O.V

I turned up the stereo as loud as it could go, the sound shaking the fraternity that I was the head of, this was the third party we'd had this week.

Within seconds of the bass moving the house people came flooding in, I headed to the kitchen to get myself a beer.

"Harry?" a small blonde girl tapped my shoulder.

"Um.. Yeah?" I said

"I was just wondering if-" I walked away before she could go any further.

I liked girls, I mean there hot and most are great in bed, but tonight I wasn't in the mood for being around people.

"Harry? why are you moping around in here?" My friend Liam asked "Come enjoy the party!" he slurred.

"I'm just waiting for somebody" I lied

"If you get bored of waiting, a bunch of us are gonna play truth or dare in the living room" he laughed and made his way there.

I stared into the bottom of my red plastic cup, contemplating on weather or not I should join Liam in this stupid game of truth or dare.


After three girls had come into the kitchen to throw up I went into the living room to join in the game.

"Harry! you came!" liam giggled.

Liam was the only openly gay member of the frat house, and seeing as I was the only guy who accepted that, I was his only friend.

"Yeah" I smiled at him

"Liam it's your turn to ask someone" a girl with short blue hair told him from across the room.

"Harry" Liam faced me "truth or dare?"

"Dare" I smirked. I was never one to be scared of getting in trouble or to do something.

"I dare you to..." he thought for a second "go streaking. Run around the neighbor hood 2 times. Butt naked." He smiled up at me.

"Okay" I said like it was nothing.

"R-really?" the small blonde from earlier asked In front of the group playing truth or dare. Maybe 20 of us.

"Yeah. Why not?" I said, and started taking my shoes off


I had just completed my first run around the neighborhood. When I past the frat house bright flashes surprised me. I could only imagine where'd i'd be seeing those photos tomorrow.

When I was half way through my second lap I heard police sirens.

"Shit" I picked up my pace, but it seamed as if I was just running towards them. Which I was.

I put my hand over my manhood as the cop approached me. When he got closer I immediately noticed his blue-green eyes, the moon fell perfectly upon them. And his light brown hair was a perfect mess on top of his head. He looked so perfect. When he saw me his lips twitched into a smile but mad soon as I saw it, it was gone.

"What are you doing?" he asked looking down at my hand, which didn't cover me up to well.

"Well my frat hou-" he cut me off

"Your the head of that house which has been keeping the neighbors up all week?" he asked tilting his head slightly.

"Yeah" I looked down

"With that and uh" he looked my bare body up and down "this" he pointed at me "I'm going to need to bring you to the station" he said and walked over to me.

"Isn't that like a half hour away?" I asked as he stood next to me.

"Yes. Now um.." He look at my hand which covered me. "I need to cuff you" he said.

"Okay" I put my hands behind my back and my member left my hands and came into complete view of the cop. I didn't really mind.

Once he had my cuffed and took my arm and we slowly walked to his car.

"I know you wanna look" I stated.

He hadn't looked at my cock at all. He just stared straight ahead and was very tense.

"No I don't" he said nervously

"I know you want to" I stopped walking.

"Walk" he instructed

"Not until you look" I smiled sweetly up at him.

"Fine" he gave in.

His eyes raked down my bare body stoping at my manhood.

"Have you ever seen one before?" I asked "I mean besides your own?"

"No" he said

"Will you touch me?" i teased

His eyes widened in shock

"Kidding" I laughed.

He opened the back door and pushed me In.

The frat boy - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now