Chapter One: The First Day

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Hi i'm Midnight, I lived in the city my whole life. Never had problems with school nor getting along with others. This year I am starting high school, my first day in 9th grade. Im bit nerves but not worried. Though in a way I have a secret no one knows im part foxxe yokai, my mom told me this bout a year ago when my eyes took a silver glow. She told me not to let others see it i needed to conceal it, so she took me to Master Rinico to seal my power so it wont effect my perfect life.

School starts in about an hour so i have time to get ready n dressed, as i wash up i couldnt help but think " is my life perfect or am I just a halfbreed?". I got done washing up, got my uniform on grabbed my bag and headed downstairs. Mom was in the kitchen along with her friend Aoilyn.

"Hey midnight hows it going havent seen yah in awhile" Aoilyn said smiling at me. I was nerves I could  tell her that maybe she'd understand and support me little like she always does. "Good, just bit nerves bout my first day." I frowned little  "im a freshmen this year plus turning 16 in a week" i said calmly as i could, i was shaking and im sure she could tell.

"Aww sweety dont me nerves. Your gunna be okay Aoilyns daughter Lynia is joining you this year, plus she will be living with master Rinico the monk at Monario temple" my mom said kindly. My moms always positive about things even if Aoilyns sarcastic remarks get her mad, she always has an answer and thats what i love bout my mom.

I heard the bus honk, headed out the door, as i got on i seen a guy glare at was nerve racking, plus ticked me off, seriously what did i do to him.
"Umm is this seat taken?" I asked the glaring boy. He moved over and continued to glare, but not at me at the girl in the front near the doors. Sometimes i hated riding the bus but i couldnt help it. I turned to the boy glaring "umm you okay?, you seem bit on edge..."i said bit nerves friad he was gunna snap back. "Oh um im fine just...her she said a mean remark to me when i got on..."he said frowning. I giggled then smiled "thats Tanisha for you, she acts cold but once you get to know her she is fine, if anything it was due to you being a male..." I stoped right there i almost said is it i can sense he is one of my kind, yet my sents been concealed or is it natural for a female foxxe to sense others, Tanisha is like me also my bffl best friend for life. "So because im a male, she hates me? Im so confused" the boy said as he frowned. "Dont be, itll be fine ill have a chat with her, she is my bffl" i smiled as i replied to him. "Oh my names Echo, back there is my cousins the twins lightning n Thunder." He said as he held his hand out to me. "Midnight nice to meet you i said shaking his hand. He is nice n plus his name seems little girly oh well who cares he is cute. I blushed as i thought that. As the bus arrived at school i said goodbye to Echo and caught up to Tanisha.

Tanisha looked at me suspious. She then smiles "somebodys got a crush! Spill!" She said happily, Tanisha always teases me about having a crush its gets annoying but i dont mind it at all. "Well his name is Echo n i was sitting by him on the bus" i replied. Tanisha looked at me and whispered " you mean the male foxxe i spat at for looking at me weirdly??" She said, as i thought she knew he was a male foxxe i didnt understand how we both knew but we did. "Yeah? Howd you know he was one of us?" I asked curious "well for one he aint good at hiding his sent and two a female foxxe can sense a male foxxe no matter of powers are sealed or not" she whispered back. We had to keep low profile or else something could happen. We cant let them know were foxxe's like them.

Echo's pov

As i walked in i saw Midnight talking to that girl that spat at me, but whats strange is her glare its like she could see right through me a scary feeling huh? Well Midnight was kind and is easy to get along with, everyone seems to like her around here, yet her name seems little strange for a humen name. Maybe her parents arent normal? Or maybe they named her for her dark blue eyes?. But i like her she is sweet, i can see why all people here like her.

"Thunder hurry up were gunna be late!" I yelled as i opened my locker, i frowned what if people found out about me, or even worse labeled me. I was indeed worried. " were gunna be fine Echo dont worry. Plus we are purebreed foxxe" lightning said coming behind me. "Shhh people could hear you lightning, your always so careless." Thunder spat out "is it me or do those girls kinda look cute." Thunder said grinning " the dark haired one is mine" i said quickly to get them off her tail " and the other one doesnt like males" shutting my locker i see my two cousins staring at me in shock.

Midnight Lunorraine (rewriting It)Where stories live. Discover now