Facts About The Academy

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Chap 3

   I stifled a yawn as I stared boredly at the black board in front of me trying to digest what Iruka-sensei was teaching. I always tried to learn as much as possible at this rare opportunity I got in learning to be a ninja, but who cares about which angle of throwing the kunai is correct anyway? Nobody would think the correct angle when their lives are at stake anyway.

      My mind wandered to the past few weeks I have been here. I had a small rented apartment near the Academy, and found a part-time job of doing household chores for a kind old civillian lady who had a severe case of back problems. I only had to go in the late afternoons for a few hours everday, so it didnt affect the time to go to the academy, since its only in the morning. The pay is enough for me to pay the rent, have decent meals and a bit left for savings. One thing I dreaded was that there wasnt any public holiday like on saturdays or sundays. If you needed a break you just give a letter with a reasonable excuse and you have a day off. That probably applies only to academy students though.  

    As I expanded my chakra slightly, I sensed the many active, bubbly and uncontrolled chakra of the academy students, the calm, collected and much more amount of chakra of Iruka-sensei. If I applied more chakra I could probably sense the bit of compressed chakra hiding in the trees. I sighed, annoyed. What irkes me the most is those compressed chakra. There were always one or two in the trees or around the dark corners, it was if they are tailing me. They most likely are and I dont blame them, seeing as I could be a possible threat to Konoha. I would be suspicious if they are not suspicious. The more I thought of it, the more confused I was so I gave up.

    The academy here teaches loades of things, not only how to fight. They give lessons on some politics, different languages, math, and science, just that they are involve ninja stuff The basics a normal person should know. They call them 'basic studies'. There are chances of people who cant take it and drop out after all. So even if they cant be ninjas, they wouldnt be total idiots. Besides, ninjas need to be clever enough to excel anyway. So it is a win-win situation.

      The other type of classes are simply put, ninja lessons. They all had a meaningful purposes disguised as games. There are memorising of faces using cards, spot the things out of place in the enviroment, set up various traps. Lastly, camouflaging ourselves with mud, paint and leaves to blend in the nature(The boys happily spread themselves in mud with the exception of the quiet and sensible ones, and most of the girls 'eww' the entire lesson.)They are the intellectual part of ninjas.

        For the physical part, there were hundreds of track and field races in the forest, the dodgeball games to train fast reflexes, where I easily aced it from encountering eneny ninjas before. There's also the drilling of ninja code/rules, the handsigns for ninjutsus in the form of competition who could do it the fastest and most accurate, the torturous training for taijutsus, a little of genjutsus where the instructors place a genjutsu on them and some medical jutsus for scratches and cuts. I fare the best in taijutsu, seeing as I learnt it the hard way from bandits during my travels.

       The weapon throwing conpetiton and the one-on-one battle were motivated by involving how the homework is equal to the ranking in the competition. So the higher your ranking, the less homework you have. I put up my best fight and ended up with no homework, as did emo Sasuke, boasting Kiba, shy Hinata and surprisingly, the genius but lazy Shikamaru.

      The sadistic chuunin instructors had excuses to make pranks on the students if they did badly. Most of the time, the lower ranking students with civilian family had gone home stuck in glue, paint, cracked eggs, feathers on every part of the body. The lucky higher ranking students in ninja clans only had sweat and dirt on them.

         I grinned slightly as I rememered a time where the students had a camp in the forest. During the day, we had survival training of hiding and when we found each other, beating ourselves up. It sounded so ridiculous, but the ninja pride, the humility of losing, made the game a sucess. For our meals, we had to hunt and catch the innocent animals, skin them and cook them ourselves. Having the most experience, I got a fully cooked meal in less than half an hour while others counldnt even catch a prey for hours. I watched in amusement at the others failing attempts to capture an animal, and them either glaring at me or whining and drooling over my cooked meal. Some even bribed me to get a bite, which I refused and tempted them evily. At night, we sneaked and hide in the trees, and take turns to scare the chuunin and each other out, or trying to splash paint(naruto)/ spit fire(Sasuke)/ It was hilarious to see the ninjas-to-be scream in a girly way at the slightest movement. Many came out  either choking with laughter, have pale-i-just-seen-a-ghost faces, or angry im-going-to-kill-u eyes. The others who were pranked got drenched, scortch marks, and leaves stucked in their hair. Those who didnt participate in the scaring or got scared, *cough(shikamaru)cough*, just gave a bored yawn, though I caught the amusement in his eyes.


     As I came back to the, present, I slowly pry open my eyes. The class had been so silent, as I turned around just in time to get face-smacked by the chalk-full duster. A few sniggers, satisfied smirks from fangirls, a snort from emo-sasuke and a loud roar of laughter from the guys, mainly Naruto. My eye wont stop twitching as I tried to calm myself. Deep breathes, calm down calm-why I oughter kill him! My pride is at stake here! Who cares if he is chuunin?

         I stood up with a burst, my chakra flaring as I point at Iruka-sensei, no Iruka. He lost my respect for the moment. "What the heck is your problem, jiji(old man)!"

       A irk mark popped on Iruka-sensei head,"You were dozing off, Yuki! And thats Iruka-sensei to you! Respect your elders!"

           Huh. So he admitted he was old. He did have a few strand of grey hairs.....

         More irk marks appeared on Iruka-sensei's head as he looked down, face red and shaking with anger. While the class was roaring with laughter, some looked at me with disbelief, but mostly in respect. Wha-? Did something happen?

         "Yuki! Im not old, Im only 10 years older than you! You earned detention for a week!" Iruka finally lost it.

         Yay... I just earned something, but I have feeling its not gonna be good...... "Thanks?"

         I could feel the others shaking in laughter, trying and failing at hiding it. Seeing the confused look on my face, Iruka-sensei sighed and shook his head. I sat down, feeling awkward. What just happened? Luckily, the bell rang.

        As I strolled down the hallway, Naruto came bouncing to me, a huge grin on his face, "That was totally awesome, Yuki! Iruka a jiji? Thats a nice one! Hahaha!"

         Ohh! So I just said that out loud. Opps. I turned to Naruto and smile slightly. "Thanks. By the way, what's detention? Is it an award or something?"

Authors note:

Sorry for the long update. I got side-tracked since I didnt think anyone liked my story. So if u like it, vote or comment. I'll update faster.

    Yuki didnt know what is detention because she never attended school.

Diclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

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