Chapter One - Dreams

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Ch. 1 (Logan's point of view/POV)

"St-st-stop it, Logan!!! Stop Im dyyyying!" Anberlin exclaimed as I'm tickling her sides. I've always known that her sides were her most ticklish spots. I decide to let her go and she calms down for a moment, catching her breath and giggling. She playfully pushes me off of the couch and grabs her textbook. I originally came over to study, but her mother ran to the store, so we were messing around. I sit back down next to her, as we exchange Algebra problems. Suddenly this doesn't feel right.. Why are we doing Algebra? We are seniors, not 8th graders. Then I notice she looks younger, more innocent. She doesn't notice me admiring her gorgeous eyes, too busy working on the assignment. She then looks up from her nearly finished assignment.

"Loooooogannn... Earth to Logan!!" She shouts as she waves her hands infront of my face.

Then as I look up from my strange trance of confusion, we are now sitting in the high school cafeteria. I am sitting at lunch with her and her friends and they are all looking at me like I'm an alien.

"What are you doing over here? Shouldn't you be.. Well... Over there?" Anberlin's friend Maribel says as she tilts her head toward the empty hall.. Berlin just kind of laughs. I don't know what to say, with tears swelling up in my eyes. I do not want them to see me cry, they cannot see me cry, so I just throw away my lunch and leave the cafeteria. 

Then the obnoxious sound of my alarm clock wakes me up. Just a dream.. It was just a dream.. Thankfully. 6 AM, the first day of senior year. I would do anything to avoid this but there's no way to get out of the first day, so Instead I just get out of bed and hop in the shower, with only that horrific dream on my mind. 


(Still CH1 - Anberlin's POV)

"Logan, I do not think I will ever be able to get enough of you." I say in between kisses.

I can feel him smiling and it makes me so happy.I'm sitting on the counter of his kitchen (while his parents are away), and he is standing between my legs. We're clothed, unfortunately. My arms are around his neck and his hands are around my hips. I hop up and he supports me up by holding me under my thighs, and we slowly make it to his bedroom. I close my eyes as he sets me down on the bed, but when I open them, I wake up to my alarm, in my room, in my bed. 

I have been having these dreams ever since the last day I ever talked to him. But I feel I can never be the same with him again. We are best friends, but I am falling in love with him and I don't believe he feels the same. It would ruin our friendship, so I'd rather just pretend we never had a friendship, which is hard considering these damn dreams. 

I still try to impress him though, in hopes some day he will come up to me and say "Anberlin, I am deeply in love with you." so that we can be happy. I make sure I look extremely hot everyday, so I get up at 5:30 AM to have extra time. I shower first. Wash my hair with expensive coconut shampoo, because coconut is one of his favorite scents. I pick my outfit out after my shower.

I decide to wear a black crew neck sweater, which has a white sugar-skull design on it, with regular navy blue skinny jeans and black Toms shoes. I straighten my platinum blonde hair and do my makeup. I decide I love how I look today and am ready to go to school.


(A/N) : Heyy so I can't really contain my love for Logan Lerman, and fanfics will help me express it hhhahaha. so basically every chapter will have a POV from both Anberlin and Logan, plus if another important character comes into play, they might get a POV sometimes too. but yeah. anyway, don't forget  to vote it, comment, share it and yiss. ily all ur all super rad 

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