Chapter Two

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HI GUYS! I am so sorry I haven't updated in FOREVER. Things have been crazy and I was starting to loose hope in people reading this, but a very nice person changed my view so thank you to @NansyDiliyanova. Now i warn you this chapter is filler and the next one will be up within 24 hours. So I'm so sorry if you absoloutely hate it. 

On another note: THE RICKSHAW RUN... HOW AMAZING IS IT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I know I absoloutely love it. How well did Jack handle the lost camera situation? And TukTuk Mary is such a bum. I cannot believe they left such a cliffhanger. It won't be back until January which makes me sad :( but I cannot wait. CONGRATS to Hannah for winning the dinner with the twins. I think we did a pretty damn good job in raising money - the total was something like $117K which is amazing. 

Going to shut up now. Enjoy this filler.


"She hasn't called," I sighed, my head was spinning and instead of relaxing like I was meant to be I was thinking about the President’s daughter.

"Jack, we are at the bloody beach can you please stop stressing," My dad complained and I shut myself up and decided to help Emmy build a sandcastle.

“Give the poor girl some time love,” Mum commented and I guess she was right.

"Finny mate, your phone’s ringing," I yelled at my brother who was reading a magazine.

"Hello?" He answered the phone before his mouth formed a big O shape.

"It's Finn actually, but I'll pass it on to him," He replied before giving me the phone.

"Who is it?" I whispered to Finn before pressing my ear to his new iPhone. "Hello?" I questioned.

"Jack?" A voice which sounded extremely familiar answered. "It's Lily," The girl replied and I looked at my brother in shock, he just gave me a thumbs up in reply.

"Um, uh Lily. Hi, how are you?" I mumbled out, I was in so much shock my brain couldn't take it and I couldn't even form proper sentences.

"I’m good, thank you. You live in Miami right?" She asked and I just replied with a quick yes. “I’m coming to Miami in three days.” She stated and I was about to ask why but I figured it was for work.

“That’s awesome. Maybe we could meet up” I replied instead.

“That’s what I was thinking,” She replied and I smiled to myself a little.

“So, maybe you can call me when you get here?” I asked her knowing that she probably wasn’t allowed to give me her number.

"Yes I will, I can't give you my number yet. Stupid security thing but I will call you when I get there," She replied.

“See you soon then Trouble,” I joked and with that we said goodbye.


"We tracked him back to a beach in Miami," Nick said, pulling up a map of what must be Miami.

"Nick, I really don't care you know that right?" I replied and picked up another piece of dried mango.

"I know, but your father wants us to do this, for your safety," He replied giving me a sad face.

"We've established that he is twenty-one, making him a year older than me. He has been in the army since he was nineteen, has no criminal offenses, no creepy ex-girlfriends and has a good report from the General in charge of his battalion, what else do we need?" I questioned. They were treating him like he was some terrorist, when he clearly wasn't. "Dad is way out of line," I muttered and took my Ugg boot clad feet off the shiny table in the conference room and grabbed the phone to dial my father’s mobile phone.

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