Chapter 13: Wake Up Soon

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It's been two days since Y/N 's upgrade, and she has been doing better than I thought she would be. I know she's dealing with the voices in this early stage but she'll learn how to control them. I was downstairs in my secret room talking some stuff over with Frost. After that was over I decided to go upstairs and check on my princess. I walked in the room and I realized she wasn't in the bed, so I went to the bathroom. The door was closed so I called Y/N's name, but there was no answer. I called her name once more, then I forced the door open. There she was. On the floor, laying somewhat in the bathtub. There was pill bottles surrounding her, and I knew immediately what she'd done. She lost consciousness, and I rushed over to try to wake her again. I shook her and screamed her name, but she never woke up. I called for Frost, told him what happened and made sure he called my doctor. I didn't want to take her to the hospital, I wanted her with me 24/7, and I hated hospitals. I picked up Y/N bridal style and laid her gently on the bed. I sat next to her on the bed, and held her hand. 10 minutes later, the doctor came in. He had many contraptions that Frost helped him carry, and he set up a heart monitor, breathing supporter, along with ivy he hooked up to her arm. He examined her precisely, then turned around with a saddened face.

"Mr. J, she attempted an overdose on pain killers correct?" Dr. Grant asked.


"Well, she's still breathing, and her heart seems to be working fine... for now. I guess the pills didn't fully digest yet."

"For now...?" I asked, concerned.

"Yes, for now. She's in a coma, and everything seems as if it's working fine, but I'm not sure if she'll come out of it or not."

"S-She's in a... Please, please you have to do something... anything! She has to come out of this!"

"I'm afraid I can't do anything Mr. J. All of this is on Y/N now. Her body will either fight back and come out if it, or give up. But if she doesn't come out of the coma in about a year then..." The doc lowered his head.

"Then what?"

"She would have to be taken off support..."

I lowered my head and closed my eyes. I couldn't believe all of this. I hoped it was a sick dream. I can't live without her. I couldn't even think of letting her go. We've been through so much, and I just can't let a coma come and take her away. A tear escaped my eye.

"I'm sorry... But I have faith that she'll come back." Dr. Grant said, as he laid his hand on my shoulder.

"I do too..." I said staring at her perfect body. The doctor left, and it was only Frost, Y/N and I in the room. I told Frost to leave, so I could be alone with my princess. I stood beside her, grabbed her hand, and placed a few blue strands of her hair behind her ear.

"You have to fight pumpkin. You've got a year." I kissed her forehead. "I know you can't hear me but... I can't live without you, and I can't even think of doing so. I love you so much and I want you to fight for as long as you can because you're a very strong woman. But I'm really sorry everything. If it wasn't for me throwing you in chemicals, you wouldn't be like this. I'm a terrible person, and I swear that when you wake up, I'll make it up to you." I kissed her hand. "You are the best thing that ever happened to me doll." I kissed her passionately on the lips. I backed away to look at her whole body. I pulled a chair up to the front of the bed, and sat there staring.

"Wake up soon..." I whispered, tears beginning to fall again.

One week later

I never left Y/N. I stayed in that room from sun up to sun down, just waiting for the day my princess wakes up. Frost came in the room multiple times in the day to check on us, and give me food and water. He offered me to get out the house for some fresh air, or to check on my club, but I just can't leave her alone. I love her so much, but I really don't know when I developed feelings. All I know right know is that if I had the opportunity to lose my life to save Y/N's... I would with no hesitation.

A/N: That was a really short chapter, but I'll make sure the next one will be longer. Until then... See ya Puddin'! :)

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