Chapter 19: Wreak Havoc

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Kira (Key-rah) = The word means killer in Japanese.

A/N: Don't play the song yet. Thanks :)



I rode my motorcycle like a madman, and we finally reached the asylum. I parked my speed demon many yards away from the asylum door entrance so I wouldn't be seen, and the goons did the same. I remained sitting, and I popped my helmet's eye shield open, gazing upon the building. Looking behind me, I see Frost and other goons climb out of the black van.

"Y/N." Frost whispered/yelled, grabbing a pistol and placing it on his hip. "You ready?" He asked, cocking a different gun in his hand.

"The question is..." I took off my motorcycle helmet, and whipped my dark blue hair back and forth in the wind. "Are you?" I said looking back as I got off my motorcycle in a sexy manner, and headed for Frost. I gave him the gun I had on my leg. "Refill this will ya. I kinda wasted some of my bullets on the way here." I giggled, and Frost took my gun, nodding in agreement. I walked towards the rest of the goons, and told them to get in a straight line.

"Now boys... I think we've gone over the plan many times, but I just want to clarify it once more. The plan is simple. We'll get in, get Mr.J... and get the hell out." I paced back and forth in front of the goons, then I stared at one of them. "Pretty simple, right?" I smiled at the goon, and continued my pacing. "Now... If any of you henchmen messes this plan up then you'll just... Be. Killed. Got it?" I laughed, and pointed a finger gun at one of the henchmen, mouthing bang  as I do so. "Gather all ya need boys, 'cause we're breakin' in." I clapped my hands, and Frost gave me my gun back fully loaded. I placed it in the belt on my leg, then grabbed a machine gun from the van. I went up the long driveway, to the guards, and the goons followed only a few feet away from me.

°>play song<° 

I started to run towards the guards, and they started to shoot at me. I swiftly dodged their bullets and shot them back. I killed both guards, but then another guard showed up next to me, knocking the gun out of my hand. He punched me in the face then I quickly recovered, and elbowed him in the nose. I followed that with a roundhouse kick, knocking him onto his knees. Then I grabbed his neck, and quickly turned it. Snapping his neck in one motion. He fell to the ground, and I picked up my gun. I ran to the asylum's doors, and shot the lock off. Then, the alarm sounded off.

Breaking and entering... breaking and entering

The alarm was loud, but I slowly drowned it out. I only focused on one thing, and that was my dear J. I kicked the door down and shot towards the ceiling. There was a man cowering in a corner and I looked towards him.

"W-Who are you?" The man asked, throwing his hands up in surrender.

"Kira..." I said, lowering my gun. "Get rid of him goon, but don't kill him. I want him to spread my name throughout the city." I motioned to one of the goons, and I continued my mission. The other goons stayed back, and fended from the men coming for us. But more guards came for me, and I fought them off. One guard came from around a corner with a gun. He shot at me, and his bullet grazed my shoulder. I decided not to waste my bullets yet, so I ran up the wall, heading towards him. I landed on the guard, and wrapped my legs around his neck. I leaned back, and we both fell. I kept my legs around his neck to cut off his circulation, and grabbed his arm, pulling it upward and twisting it. His arm broke, and he flailed on the ground in pain, and gasping for air. I held on to him for a little while longer and he finally lost consciousness, and died.

"Night night." I whispered in the dead man's ear, then rose to my feet. I ran down a couple hallways, leading to the cells. Then I saw J in his cell, laying on the floor with his legs on the wall. I slowly walked to his cell, and stared at him. His bright green hair was now burnt, and I'm guessing it's like that because of the 'therapy'. J's eyes were closed, and he was in a straight jacket.

"J." I said, and he opened his eyes quickly. J looked at me and smiled.

"Pumpkin!" He said, ecstatically. He tried to get up but J had trouble doing so. "So you were the one 'breaking and entering'. Good girl! You did it all for me?"

"Of course I did." I smiled, then shot at the lock on J's cell twice. The cell opened, and I walked over to J. I unbuckled his straight jacket, and threw it to the floor. "I'll do anything for my dear J." I said, as he turned to face me. I looked into those beautiful blue eyes, and smiled. He grabbed me by the waist, and pulled me in for a rough but passionate kiss. I moaned into the kiss, then pulled away.

"J they will be coming soon. We need to go and finish this later." I grabbed the gun that was on my leg and handed it to J. "Here."

"This shitty gun?" He examined the gun I gave him, and gave me a disgusted look.

"Ok, have fun dying." I said, turning away to run and find the goons.

"Alright, alright..." J said, running after me.

We found the goons in the middle of a gun fight, so we joined in. Guards were falling to the ground left and right, and in no time, we were outside. Frost led us to the van and my motorcycle just to be safe, and the rest of the henchmen followed behind. I threw my machine gun to Frost, and went to put on my motorcycle helmet. The other henchmen got in the van, as Frost gathered the rest of the weapons. J stood next to me as I mounted my bike.

°>stop song<°

"Nice motorcycle... it's stolen I'm guessing."

"Yeah, it is..." I revved it up, and the neon pink lights glowed brightly.

"Who knew Y/N could be such a badass. Oh, and by the way... you look sexy in that suit of yours." J winked at me.

"Thanks J. I like your orange jumpsuit... it's kinda stylish." I giggled, and J rolled his eyes. J got into the van with the goons, and so did Frost. I looked back and nodded my head at Frost who was driving the van, and off we went.

Home, sweet home. Here we come.

A/N: Ok, so... Kira is gonna be your new super cool villain name because I literally didn't get enough suggestions, but that name was suggested by one of my close friends who is unfortunately not a wattpad reader so I just chose to use it. Your villain name will be used more, this was just kind of a introduction to it... but yeah, how was that chapter? I hope it was good, and I'm sorry for the days I didn't update.   Anyways, see ya next chapter pudding's! :)

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