Chapter 16: Goner

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"PLEASE NO! NOT AGAIN!" I screamed as J opened the door to the house, after dragging me out of the car. He didn't say anything, but he had a deadly smile on his face. He took me to the torture room, and slammed me onto the table. Just like he did the first time I was tortured. I struggled but I was no match against his strength. He then tied me down onto the cold table.

"J please, I'm begging you I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that, I swear... maybe-" I tried to apologize so I wouldn't go through all of this again but all my efforts were cut short by Joker's chilling voice.

"Blah, blah, blah..." He placed his hand over my mouth, and his face came close to mine. "All that chit chat's gonna getcha hurt." J whispered, my eyes grew wide and a smile was still plastered on his face. I mean I'm getting hurt either way so... at least I tried. He took his hand away from my mouth and went to the weapon table. I closed my eyes for a minute then opened them back up, seeing J looking down on me with a sharp razor in his hand.

"Now... I never knew you liked batsy."

"I never did, he-" J put the razor to my throat, cutting me off once again.

"Who gave you... PERMISSION TO SPEAK?!" I stared into his cold blue eyes, and he took the razor off of my throat, placing it on my stomach. "Back to what I  was saying... I thought you loved me doll." I felt the razor press deeper into my skin, then he cut me quickly. I do love you, you psychotic asshole. I yelled in pain, and that gave J pleasure. He took the razor off my stomach and moved it to my thigh. "How DARE YOU do that to me! I tried to be the best for you." I felt another cut, but I could tell this one was deeper. I tried to hold back my yells, and tears but it didn't work.

"STOP! PLEASE, DAMN IT!" My heart beat was becoming irregular, and my tears were uncontrollable.

"What was that Y/N?" J put his hand to his ear, and acted as if he didn't hear me. "You want me to keep going?" He then placed the razor on my cheek. "How about I cut you right here... that'll make a nice scar, don't cha think?" J laughed crazily.

"Don't. You. DARE. Cut. My. Face." I said scared but stern. My statement still didn't help. The cold razor touched my cheek, then I felt my skin slice open and blood flow down my face.

"Oops! Too late." He said happily.

"Fuck you..." I whispered as my vision started to blur. I was losing consciousness.

"Oh come on Y/N, don't black out on me! I didn't even get to the fun part." J's hand grabbed my jaw roughly, and he shook my head. That was the last thing I heard.

I'm a goner.

Time skip

I woke up to a unfamiliar room. Everything was so bright, the lights were killing my eyes. I tried to get up from the bed, but I winced in pain from the cuts on my body. I tried to ignore the pain, and get up anyways. I made my way to the door, and opened it. I saw a very large slightly dimmed room that had many computers, gadgets, and other tech things. Then I saw a man with dark hair sitting in a chair at one of the computers. I rubbed my eyes and my vision became a little clearer. Who the hell is that? As I walked towards the man, I stumbled over my own foot causing me to grunt in annoyance. The man turned around in his chair and looked at me smiling.

"Y/N, I'm glad you're awake. I stiched you all up and stuff, so you should be fine soon."

"Bruce, why am I here and how the hell did I get here?" I said shocked, and surprised.

"You're here because I always keep a promise, and don't worry about how you got here... just be glad that you're still alive."


"I'm so sorry, but don't worry... I'll come for you." Bruce mouthed as he fell backwards off of the building, disappearing into the night sky.

End flashback

"Where's J?" I crossed my arms, waiting for an answer.

"Again don't worry about it. Just worry about those cuts of yours that he put on you." Bruce got up from the chair, grabbed his glass of wine and leaned against the table.

"Ok... so I guess that I'm not allowed to worry about anything. Great..." I chuckled, still looking at Bruce who was now running his hand through his hair.

"I know who you are Y/N." Bruce said confidently.

"What...? Excuse me, you don't know a thing about me ok." I spat.

"You are Theodore's sister. I pulled up files of you... I knew you looked familiar" I stood in shock, and Bruce sat back down. "Theo always talked about you and he always showed me pictures."

"I-I thought he never even acknowledged me as his sister. I thought he hated me..."

"What you thought was a lie Y/N." Bruce said, as I looked down at the floor, trying to comprehend what just happened. Then I heard the door on the other side of the room open.

"Mr.Wayne we have found the-" The man who was talking stopped and I looked in the man's direction.

"Theodore...?" I said, my eyes widening. The brother that I thought was dead in a car crash was standing before me.

"Y/N...?" My brother ran over to me and gave me a kiss on the forehead. I wrapped my arms around him and embraced Theodore in a hug, but not too tightly so my pain wouldn't come back.

"Y-You're alive? I thought you were dead." I said, breaking from the hug to look at his happy face.

"I did too..." Theodore said, letting out a giggle. "What happened to your face?" He asked as I pointed one finger to Bruce and one to Theodore.

"I'll tell you later but you BOTH have some explaining to do."

A/N: Yay! Your brother is back :) Sorry I haven't updated in a while though because of life... but I hoped ya liked this chapter. :D. Until next chapter... Bye puddin's! 

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