Youre My Blessing

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Thank you guys for the 1K. I know my writings are suck and not really the best but I do hope you can encourage me to write better in the future. How? Just tell me if you think the storyline is a bit confusing or not really supposed to happen lol. Anyway, here's the next chapter. Enjoy! 🎉💃🏻

Chapter Seven

Sunday is a day of recovery and last minute scrambling to study for finals.

Neither Isaac nor Scott bring up the night before, but there is a definite change to their behavior. If there is even the remote chance of the two of them touching, chances are, they're already doing it. They sit close together during meals. Their legs wrap around each other while they study with the rest of the pack in the living room. There is more playful shoving and hair tousling than is absolutely necessary.
And yet no one says a word.

There are plenty of stares, but Isaac doesn't notice. It's like he's in a protective bubble and everything in the entire world is Scott-related.

When everyone leaves that night to go their separate ways, Isaac feels cold and strangely alone. He has Boyd and Erica back, but it's not the same.

When they first left, he felt empty. A part of Isaac left with them. Now that they are back, he hopes that place can be filled again, but it isn't. Boyd and Erica have changed. They're twitchy and paranoid. They cock their heads quickly to every small sound. They stay within two feet of each other at all times, as if being separated again could kill them. It's both heartwarming and heartbreaking to watch.

The sense of trio they had when Derek first turned them is disappearing. It's like Erica and Boyd are one entity and Isaac is something completely different. He wants things to go back to how they were—with Boyd being a bit of a loner and Erica being the closest thing to a best friend Isaac ever had...

But he also knows that's selfish. He's changed, too. He has Scott and Stiles, now. And, well, mostly Scott. Over the months, Scott has more than filled the spot that Erica and Boyd left. He just didn't fill it with the same stuff. Isaac is something altogether new and whatever it is doesn't fit with his pack mates the same way.

He hopes he hasn't lost them. He hopes maybe one day they can figure out just what it is that is pulling them apart and fix it. They will get there. They have to.

Isaac sleeps alone in his bed that night. Just the night before he'd been thinking how small his bed seemed, but now it's too big. Isaac can stretch his entire body out and still feel like there is too much room and he hates it. He misses Scott more than just a warm body. He misses the heartbeat and the breathing and the scent. Two nights in a row isn't enough to make something a usual occurrence but Isaac did find he slept better—in spite of the stress levels he should have been under.

In order to finally get some sleep, Isaac has to bury his face in the pillow Scott used. The scent is faint, but it's still there. Isaac shuts his eyes and tells himself he will see Scott at school tomorrow and the thought is pleasant enough that it allows him to drift away.


Final's week is hell.

Isaac knows his material. He really does. He's studied enough in the past month that he should be able to fill in every single one of those bubbles on his Scantron in ten minutes.

Scott is two chairs away from him in history class, only slightly diagonal and Isaac doesn't even have to raise his head to stare at him. Only his eyes move and watch Scott chew at the end of his pencil. Scott perspires in agitation and grabs at his hair and looks like he wants nothing more than to crumple up the paper and throw it at the teacher's head.

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