AN - Again lol

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Hey guys, how's everything? I hope you like my stories so far. Just a heads up, there will be some chapters that are private and only can be read if and only if you're following me. I know it's kinda annoying but for the sake of your pleasure reading the stories, just follow me and unfollow me back after the stories are done if you feel like don't want to follow me anymore. If you already add this book on your library, unfortunately, you have to remove it first, then follow me and then add it back to your library. If you didn't do that, the private chapter still won't be available in your book because that is how it work. Idk why but that's how Wattpad made things work.

I have done writing the story - You're My Blessing, but I'm not going to publish them all at one go just because I can do that lol so yeah keep waiting and be patient.

Love you guys! Thanks for following and keep voting!

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