Under Your Spell

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psssstt: this is a long one! f.u.c.k yeahhh. Enjoy!!




Isaac yawned and stretched, sun blinding him through the gaps in the window blinds. He hated mornings, and he particularly hated mornings when he had to get up for his eight am biology class. He rubbed his eyes against the sun.

"You ever think about how ironic it is that blinds do nothing to stop the sun from blinding you? Maybe that's secretly their intended purpose. 'Hey, I'm gonna give these fucks window coverings that allow the sun to blind them. And you know what I'm gonna call 'em? Blinds! Ha!'"

"I don't think the inventor of blinds was that malicious," said Scott sleepily from the bed next to him, wrapping his arms around Isaac's waist. "He seems more like a guy trying to do us all a good turn and failing. The blinding blinds thing was just a coincidence."

"I still don't trust him," said Isaac, snuggling back against Scott.

Scott laughed, voice low, breath hot on the back of Isaac's neck. "Well, if you swear vengeance or something, count me out. I've got schoolwork to do."

"Speaking of which," said Isaac, stretching lazily in Scott's arms. "I should get up."

"No," said Scott petulantly, tightening his grip on Isaac. "I disagree strongly."

Isaac gave in to Scott's snuggling for a little while longer, allowing himself to revel in the good, happy smell of him, before he rolled in the circle of his arms to face him. He rubbed his nose against Scott's, and Scott sighed, his brown hair ruffled with sleep, eyes closed. "I have to get up," Isaac whispered.

"No," Scott whispered back, eyes still closed. "You have to stay here."

Isaac laughed, but he just pressed a kiss to Scott's lips and disentangled himself from the cocoon of Scott's limbs and his own blankets. "I'm a responsible college kid, now," he said, pulling his jeans on. "You, too."

"Nope," said Scott, snuggling Isaac's pillow to his body and burying his nose in the smell of it. "Never getting up. Staying here in your bed."

"Your roommate will get suspicious," Isaac said as he dragged on a shirt. "He'll think something's going on between us."

"Stiles can go die in a fire," said Scott, yawning. "He gets up stupidly early, like you, but he also stays up stupidly late talking to his stupid girlfriend on Skype even though she literally lives in the same building."

"Besides," said Isaac, crawling onto the bed next to Scott. "There are no benefits to you, being woken up so early in the morning by your roommate. Me, on the other hand..."

Scott let go of Isaac's pillow and rolled to smile at him, cheeks dimpling. "You just got dressed."

"I do do that. I'm really good at it, too," said Isaac, threading his fingers with Scott's. "Sometimes I even get dressed twice in one morning."

Scott laughed, then he rolled over in a flurry of blankets, pinning a laughing Isaac to the bed.

Isaac showed up to his biology class fifteen minutes late with his shirt on backwards. He dropped into his usual chair next to Stiles, who looked at him and snorted.

"What?" said Isaac. "I have an active sex life, unlike certain other people in my vicinity."

"Two things," said Stiles, holding up a finger. "One, please do not tell me anything more than I absolutely have to know about my best friend's sex life. If you get miraculously pregnant, then, and only then, I am willing to be informed that my best friend has sex. Until then, tell me nothing more than your shirt already has."

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