Chapter One

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Ashley crumpled up her face in confusion.  'Wierdo, I'm not even a guy'

Continuing  'you are getting dirty thoughts aren't you' wiggling her eyes suggestively.

Alex shot her a flat look.

'oh I'm so flattered, but I'll let you know for the umpteenth time that I don't swing that way and even if did which I highly doubt, I'd never do you. You're soo icky.......'

And you so happen to be the brightest person I know, the greatest genius Trust me I wouldn't go anywhere near your dumb ass'

Ashley threw her her most annoyed look and stomped out of the room, throwing her her famous cold shoulder then settling in the living room to watch some episodes of Legends of Tomorrow.

Shrugging, Alex went on with her work. They fought each other all the time it was sometimes difficult to tell when either was really angry.

Alex didn't mean it though, Ashley was probably one of the most beautiful and intelligent girls she knew, only she didn't care to show it much like other beautiful ones did.However,she is the most self serving person Alex knew, at least what she showed to the world and to her, most times when they weren't having their conflicting moments. It was all a front, deep down; Ashley was......Alex sighed.

Stepping over her pile of clothes, she went down to the living room and announced 'Heading out to the park, wanna come with?'

Replying with a dirty glare, the now glum gray-eyed brunette continued with her movie.

However with a matching glare of hers, Alex marched over at her friend who knew she wasn't good at apologies but ignored her nevertheless, enjoying the moment. Alex though had a few ideas of her own so she walked over, muttered a barely audible 'Sorry, you know I didn't mean it'

Gloating in her final victory she didn't notice Alex yank her up and push her towards the door to her red Audi 'Absolutely and utterly childish!' Alex huffed.

'Oh poor Alex, but you are forever stuck with me'

'That, unfortunately is true' Alex answered with a feigned grimace.

They laughed as Alex drove them to the nearest park...the car was totally uncalled for but who didn't want a little drama. Thus, at this thought she smirked. Exiting the car as they got there she sped ahead towards the swings, a devious idea forming in her head.

'hello' she said, talking to an oddly familiar blond guy who, she had to admit, was way too good looking for his good but shoved that behind her mind as she proceeded with her current mission to embarrass her friend.

'Yeah?' She almost swooned right there and then 'damn, even his voice...'

'My friend over there seems to think you are smoking hot and would like to have your number' she said as she pointed at Ashley who had by now frozen up looking at me cautiously with a look of promised hell in her gaze but smiled sheepishly.

Then looking back at the hot blond in front of her she suddenly gasped as she found his face just a few inches from hers. '.....oh man, those eyes she thought, or at least she thought she was thinking until Blondie decided to open his mouth.

'Like what you see?' he smirked.

Alex narrowed her eyes 'Well I might have...' waiting until his smirk grew wider '.....until you opened your mouth'

That smacked his mouth shut. Tapping her foot, she was beginning to get irritated; her plan wasn't going so well. 'The number or not?' she scowled, tapping her foot impatiently.

'You know for someone so pretty you sure have quite a mouth on you.' Smirking again he moved closer to her right ear, hot breath fanning her neck. 'If you wanted my number, all you had to do was ask, Sweetie, no hassle about it'. Writing his number down on a handkerchief he handed it to her.

'Be sure to call'

If it were any other situation, Alex would have made sure the guy knew his place, but then, she started it all and was definitely too stunned to say anything .she instead scowled at him and mumbled 'asshole' under her breath, turned and made a way to her best friend who was trying so hard to hold in her laughter and anger.

Ashley couldn't take it anymore though, doubling over and roaring in laughter
while Alex blushed furiously in anger and embarrassment, this apparently not sitting well with her as she rarely blushed. She always stayed in control, she of course knew her best friend didn't hear what they said but the picture was clear. She had never felt so humiliated and so vowed to have her revenge instead on Ashley.

Maybe if she had looked back she would have seen Lucas, holding his sister, smile lightly as he stared at the girl curiously, remembering he never asked for her name.

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