An Amazing Car

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That night, I went to sleep..... And I opened my eyes. I saw flying fish butterflies all around me saying " Never give up dear. Someday, you will get what you want"

I rode a very old car the driver said " Good morning!! This car will lead you to an endless time travel journey. Enjoy!!" I was surprised and amazed. I asked myself "Where will it take me first. My future or my past??"

Then,after awhile I saw a lot of chic girls dancing around the streets of fantasy. I waved, and they just winked at me. I told the driver that, I want to go to the Chicago avenue. The car went through a magical hole in a flash!!! We were there like before 5 minutes. The driver said " We're here. Welcome to Chicago avenue!" I looked outside and I saw robots, kids with jetpacks, and technology teleport cases.... I realized that the car, took me to my future world. There, I went to the most popular company in Chicago avenue. The Future Transportation...... And guess what I owned that company. It was a company of believing and dreaming kids that wanted something and we give advices to never give and to try your best!!!

The company was very successful. It also helps other kids around the world. Not just in the U.S. But all over the world......

I kind of saw myself having a meeting and she saw me too. She said " Are you me from the past??". I replied " Yes I am "

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2013 ⏰

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