Greyson And Me (Chapter 7)

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----Greyson's Pov----

"Morning guys" Ka Alexa menyiapkan 4 piring buat sarapan kami.

"Morning too..." Jawab gue.



"Would you take a look for your new girlfriend?she doesn't wake up early..."

Oh shit,dia harus interogasi gue pagi-pagi.


"Come on Greyson...she's your girlfriend right?"

"Yeah, I know...I'm gonna catch her now..."

"Don't catch her like an hungry tiger hahahaa idiot..."

"No, I don't "

Gue langsung ke kamarnya ka Alexa dan Laura,oh dia masih tidur dibalut selimut...

"Hellooo..." Gue bisikin telinganya.

Ga di respon .-.

"Hello ,do you wanna take some cakes?"

"Yawwnn..." Dipancing pake kue,bangun..

"Yeah,really?I love cake!"

"Didn't you love me?"

"Of course,hahaa yes!"

"What will you choose? Cake or me?"

"Hmmm, for this morning,ofc that's cake!"

"You're silly right now.."

"Sorry, I'm hungry!hahaa.."

"You really don't want me?"

"No,for this breakfast,I just want some cakes...I really love them!don't you know it?"

"Yeah I know"

Laura langsung terjun dengan ganas,melempar selimutnya kemuka gue dan pergi ninggalin gue buat ngejer kue-kue yang gue bilang ada padahal gak.

"Greyson,you're lying..." Laura natap gue kesel.

"Oh yeah?sorry sweetie..."

"You're fuckin' silly brother!!!" Laura mukul pundak gue.


"Stop it guys..nah,there's your breakfast Greyson,and give it to Laura, there's no cake here..." Alexa nyodorin gue 2 piring pizza.


-----Laura's Pov-----

I wanna get that cake right now...

Greyson bangunin gue dengan umpan kue,oh,that's silly...

"Laura..this's your pizza..."

Greyson nawarin gue sepiring pizza

"Come on...would you eat this?" Greyson mau nyuapin gue...

"Aaa..." Dia nyodorin pizza itu didepan muka gue..

"Hap,hahaa! It's delicious!"

Oh,dia makan pizza itu sendiri.

"Ekhhm!!" Ka Alexa pura-pura batuk di belakang kami berdua.

"Stop idiot .." Greyson natap ka Alexa sebal.


"Okay...this way.." Greyson bener-bener nyuapin pizza ke gue.

"Romantic!wohoo!!" Lagi-lagi ka Alexa teriak.

Greyson And MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang